Sunday, March 15, 2009

2 murdered in drive by shooting near Massua

This was near the Jordan Valley where it took place:
Two Israelis were killed after sustaining critical wounds Sunday evening in a shooting attack near the community of Massua in the Jordan Valley.

Rescue teams pronounced the two dead after attempting to administer first aid. Police reports said the two were found shot in the vehicle, and were pronounced dead by a doctor.

According to police reports one or more terrorists fired at the Israelis' vehicle from short range as the two were driving along Route 90 in the Jordan Valley at around 8 pm. As a result the driver lost control of the vehicle and it overturned.

Security forces are currently investigating whether the fire came from a passing vehicle or from the side of the road.

One of the two victims died from wounds sustained by the vehicle's overturning, according to reports. The other died while paramedics were attempting resuscitation.
The replacing of the current government can't come soon enough - they caused it as much as the Labor government of the past. It's time for Kadima to be on their way.

Update: the two victims were police officers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you expect?