Sunday, March 15, 2009

Did The Army Send A Subtle Signal To British Islamists In Derby Today?

From Beer and Sandwiches:

The Army procession began under the shadow of Derby’s Islamic Centre. Perhaps this was done to provide “moderate” Muslims, who love the British State and its armed forces, with the opportunity to show their affection. However, I for one did not see any banners or signs being waved saying “Real Muslims for the British Army”, “Muslims Say Thanks For Protecting British interests In Iraq” or “British Muslims Love The British Army”. It appears that the opportunity to demonstrate fealty to Britain and opposition to sharia law has been well and truly missed. Why is that? At least we didn’t see any organised assembly of the “extreme” Muslims, perhaps they were warned off by their friends in Whitehall who realise that the public mood will not tolerate continued Islamist nonsense. Personally I think the decision was a subtle warning by the British army itself to the Islamists and their friends in New Labour.

There were a few Muslims about, though I did not identify any supporting the parade, and a group of them gave me a bit of hassle, saying something about by camera. They stared at me for a while in an aggressive manner but I ignored them as their views are of no consequence to me. In any case it must have been quite galling to them to see that army that many of them despise as an enemy force present in their area of Derby.

In many parts of Europe it has been reported that there are so-called ‘no-go’ areas that even the police are afraid to enter. British Muslims who feel that they can undermine British sovereignty in such a way should think again. I suspect the army was sending the a subtle signal today that any ‘declarations of independence’ will never be tolerated. The Islamic Centre in Derby and indeed any in the Islamic centre or mosque in the country is on British soil and subject to British law.

The red-capped squaddies were accompanied by a regimental band and a couple of small tanks. Perhaps the choice of starting point for the procession was not an accidental. Could it have been a subtle assertion of sovereignty by the British Army. After all, it was the British armed forces that “honoured” King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia by serenading him with the Darth Vader theme from the Empire Strikes Back.


Anonymous said...

Like a Monty Python skit. . . the entire British entourage kept a straight face throughout the 'darth vader' theme. LOL!

Christine said...

Good on them. :)

Rebellious Kafir said...

"After all, it was the British armed forces that “honoured” King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia by serenading him with the Darth Vader theme from the Empire Strikes Back."
LOL!! Priceless

christian soldier said...

Artists-including musicians-have used 'hidden' and not so hidden messages -forever!
I love it when the BEST use it today!! :-)

Damien said...
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Damien said...


Even if what that guy from the Muslim world league was saying about how he would respect and obey British law (or any western nation's law) for that matter was true, the other things he said, still should make anyone who loves liberty nervous. Truth is I doubt he was even fully telling the truth when he said he would respect and obey British law.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome that they greeted him with the 'Empire Strikes Back' theme!

Did anyone else notice Mr. Bungle the Stabber in the video? Was that a coincidence?

Aeneas said...

I am glad you all enjoyed the Empire Strikes Back welcome to King Abdullah. Personally I would not have let him in the country and I would break of diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I think it is an outrage that Western governments continue to pay lip service to the odious Saudi regime and the Saudi state that is completely opposed to Western values and Western interests.

In for a penny in for a pound, it is the perfect time to tell the Saudis to stick their oil at this time of economic collapse as we have nothing to lose except our Saudi oil dependance.

Pastorious, thanks for the link. I still remember our interview on your blog radio show and want to thank you for your continued efforts against Islamic supremacism and Islamic expansionism. Viva IBA.

Pastorius said...

Same back at you, Aeneas.