Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Left's Dream?

Jeffery Folks at American Thinker, gives us an inside look at what we could in for, if O' Holy One get's his way.

My Socialist Past
By Jeffrey Folks

"Socialism, a luxury of the wealthy. To the poor, a suicidal creed ..."
--David Hare, A Map of the World

Anyone who has lived inside the demoralized, unproductive, gray prison of a communist state, as I did in the mid-1980s, knows to what depths of impoverishment the egalitarian fantasies of socialism inevitably lead. They lead to decades of frustrated poverty and lifetimes of untreated illness culminating in early death. I remember the columns of death notices for men and women in their forties and fifties that appeared in the local newspaper. Gradually I learned to associate those death notices with the lack of fresh foodstuffs, the travesty of state health care, and the pervasive demoralization of an enslaved population drowning itself in cheap alcohol and cigarettes.

Gradually I came to understand that the condition of life under communism, so filled with repression, suspicion, and hopelessness, dragged one down into an early grave. Gradually I saw that within the communist state everyone-everyone except the leadership of course-subsists in a cage of gnawing bitterness and permanent defeatism.

Unnumbered lives were sacrificed on the ungodly altar of communism in the last century, not only in my temporary abode of Yugoslavia but throughout eastern Europe, Russia, and much of Asia, Africa, and South America, and now the American Left wishes to revive this monstrous ideology on our own shores. Every totalitarian regime begins with the same heartfelt promises of justice and equality, just those promises of fairness that Barack Obama has made the fixation of his political career. What tyrant, one might ask, has not risen to power on promises of benevolent change?

Soon, however, those who come to power, even with good intentions, discover that for all men to be made equal, some men must be made poor, and most men will not agree to be made poor in the absence of force. So force must be applied, assets must be seized, censorship must be imposed, dissidents must be jailed, enemies must be destroyed. Men must be made equal by any means necessary, and soon enough those means include intimidation, imprisonment, and execution.

Again and again, the handsome smile of the reformer is twisted into the callous sneer of the tyrant. Those who present themselves as saviors are always the most dangerous, for unlike the one true savior, who rendered unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, they must work their will on the things of this world, and one cannot remake the world without the application of force.

Please go here to read the rest of this very informative article.


Damien said...


The more one is willing to accept the reality of socialism and not the fantasy, the less appealing it is.

Christine said...

We can only hope that is true. Not holding my breath. The left has no idea what they are "hoping" for.

Damien said...


Human beings in general do not want to suffer. People usually are not masochists. People want to live under socialism and do not want power, do so based on fantasy, not reality. The problem is, how do get the masses to accept reality? How do you get them to abandon their Utopian dream and accept the reality that it will lead to misery, suffering and tyranny? That's not something that is easy to do.

Damien said...

In part because the fantasy of socialism is so appealing. It often only ceases to be appealing when one accepts the inevitable consequences of socialism.

Christine said...

I find it hard to believe that those who strive for socialism, have not seen the devastation it causes. My only guess, they think they can do it better.

Of course, every socialist government has thought the same thing, with the same results.

France is in the midst of it. Britain has a small but growing enclave, even Canada with it's socialized medicine. Neither of them have hit the tipping point yet. If they continue in the same path, will they stop before it's too late? We American's feel like we are tough. But, are we tough enough to fight this? Thee are a number of problems with our country that came about over time. Nothing was done to stop them....

Damien said...


They may have seen it, but most likely if they have and have not stopped trying to create there socialist utopia, most likely they have blamed it on something other than socialism.