Jim at Gateway gives a rundown on the stunning breadth of detail that goes to make up the disaster that is Obama's Presidency.
50 Days That Changed the World
...It's hard to imagine we're only 50 days into the Barack Obama Presidency.
** Obama is on track to spend more money than any person in the history of the planet.
** Obama and Pelosi's stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of the planet.
** Obama and democrats have already saddled America's children and grand children with massive debt. Not that this bothers them.
** He's lost at least 3 administration nominees due to tax fraud.
** He's promoted a tax cheat to run the IRS and Treasury.
** He's insulted America's greatest ally, Great Britain.
** He's reneged on missile agreements with allies Poland and the Czech Republic.
** His administration has already met with the murderous Assad Regime from Syria.

Rescue workers and soldiers stand around a huge crater after a bomb attack that tore through the motorcade of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut, Lebanon. Investigators have linked the Assad regime to the attack. (SMH)
** Obama signed legislation to close Gitmo.
** Obama freed a dirty bomber from Gitmo to Great Britain.
** Obama told US soldiers and marines in Afghanistan, "We're losing."

It's a safe to say that Barack Obama could never have led America during WW II without surrendering. (Numbers from Iraq Casualties and GP)
** Obama's VP told US soldiers and marines that US deaths will rise in Afghanistan.
** Obama has already discussed holding peace talks with the Taliban.
** The Obama stock market had its worst January in 113 years.
** The stock market had its worst February since 1933.
** The Dow has dropped faster under Obama than any other new president in 90 years.
** Obama's budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, and adds more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined.
** Obama managed to spend more than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

** Obama will quadruple the deficit this year.
** Cap & trade was introduced that will cost America 4 million jobs and cost Americans at least$700 per family per year.
** Team Obama announced easing restrictions with communist Cuba.
** Meanwhile, democrats further restricted free trade with ally Colombia.
** Obama signed legislation to fund foreign abortions.
** Obama signed legislation to fund embryonic stem cell research.
** Democrats already banned offshore drilling.
** Democrats scrapped oil and gas leases in Utah for energy development.
** Obama's party permanently banned drilling in ANWR.
...It's hard to imagine we're only 50 days into the Barack Obama Presidency.
** Obama is on track to spend more money than any person in the history of the planet.
** Obama and Pelosi's stimulus bill was the largest spending bill in the history of the planet.
** Obama and democrats have already saddled America's children and grand children with massive debt. Not that this bothers them.
** He's lost at least 3 administration nominees due to tax fraud.
** He's promoted a tax cheat to run the IRS and Treasury.
** He's insulted America's greatest ally, Great Britain.
** He's reneged on missile agreements with allies Poland and the Czech Republic.
** His administration has already met with the murderous Assad Regime from Syria.

Rescue workers and soldiers stand around a huge crater after a bomb attack that tore through the motorcade of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut, Lebanon. Investigators have linked the Assad regime to the attack. (SMH)
** Obama signed legislation to close Gitmo.
** Obama freed a dirty bomber from Gitmo to Great Britain.
** Obama told US soldiers and marines in Afghanistan, "We're losing."
It's a safe to say that Barack Obama could never have led America during WW II without surrendering. (Numbers from Iraq Casualties and GP)
** Obama's VP told US soldiers and marines that US deaths will rise in Afghanistan.
** Obama has already discussed holding peace talks with the Taliban.
** The Obama stock market had its worst January in 113 years.
** The stock market had its worst February since 1933.
** The Dow has dropped faster under Obama than any other new president in 90 years.
** Obama's budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, and adds more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined.
** Obama managed to spend more than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

** Obama will quadruple the deficit this year.
** Cap & trade was introduced that will cost America 4 million jobs and cost Americans at least$700 per family per year.
** Team Obama announced easing restrictions with communist Cuba.
** Meanwhile, democrats further restricted free trade with ally Colombia.
** Obama signed legislation to fund foreign abortions.
** Obama signed legislation to fund embryonic stem cell research.
** Democrats already banned offshore drilling.
** Democrats scrapped oil and gas leases in Utah for energy development.
** Obama's party permanently banned drilling in ANWR.
Check out 2 more little gems
I can barely stomach the news lately, Andre.
Woo hoo. The stock market went up today. Let's all go to Vegas.
For God's sake. What has happened to this country?
For God's sake. What has happened to this country?
My feelings exactly. I've begun to get that deer in the headlights look lately.
Just waiting for the big, whatever it will be, to fall.
What the hell do the US want in Afghanistan?
That's bullying attitude which gives islamists the best occasion to carry on their jihad.
I never understood the reason for this stupid war. Maybe opium and drug production?
Visitor - Gee. How about harboring OBL and his terrorist army allowing them to train for 9/11?
Nah, That can't be it.
Have you been living under a rock the last 10 years or drinking the Kool Aide at KOS.
WC this is crap...
we must fortify our frontiers that's all. We cannot fight Talibans in Afghanistan when at the same time we allow entrance to islamists hordes in both Europe and the US. That's stupidity.
Don't forget that the US was training for so many years Osama and all this clan. That time, we were speaking of "nice people". They still have Stinger missiles (gifts from the US). At that time, they were our allies.
If we don't want terrorists attacks we must kick out islamists from the civilised world and not allow entrance of new ones. Whatever we do there, if we have 5-10 million of islamists in Britain try to tell me how yo'll deter a terrorist attack. Let's clean our houses first.
P.S Ask Bush why
1) they didn't allow the F-16 pilot to shoot down the hijacked plane
2) why they allowed the Osama family jet to flee just after the tragic 9/11 incident?
HYPOCRISY and TREASON against the people.
Everything is sold out when the petro-$$$ come up.
To top that list, Obama has been under Pelosi's shadow after all this time and he has to get away from that. Of course, one could argue that Pelosi is an easy target for the GOP when the President's approval rating remained high, thus making the media shed more light to her... but Obama hasn't taken any solid actions that would add to his credits either.
Meanwhile, the media are finding out why Pelosi has created such buzz: http://www.newsy.com/videos/the_pelosi_factor
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