Friday, March 06, 2009

Spain: "Rebirth and Union", Islamic party founded

In only four sheets they explain why they believe it's necessary this kind of party in Spain. Its founder insists he is a moderate and insists that he supports the Constitution and is Spanish national.
Rebirth and Union is a party for Muslims but also for ethnic minorities and immigrants: "Brother, sister, go one with the rebirth and the liberation, the consideration of what your situation really is and meditate about all of it. You have to trust in yourself first and afterwards in your party to make your voice heard in the higher places. (...) The moment has come, Spanish Muslim, Arab, African immigrant and non-immigrant to free yourself from humiliation" (hein??? What humiliations does he think the immigrants suffer in Spain? Is he advocating for open borders? What is he referring to then?).
The central offices are in Granada, and others will be opened in all Spain to take part in the 2011's local elections "I'm sure that in a non-very distant future, not more than 30 years, one of our sons will be Mayor, Minister or even President of the Nation".
What is worrying from my point of view, is that they haven't stated clearly their goals. There is a vague mention of a document "with several sheets" but no actual mention of what they really want, what their plans are, what their program is, farther that those vague considerations.

Cross-posted at Freedom's Zone .


Anonymous said...

Quote: "Rebirth and Union is a party for Muslims but also for ethnic minorities and immigrants":

A party for 'the other'. A party consisting of individuals residing 'in' Spain, but not 'of' Spain, or 'for' Spain. A party for 'the other', to divide and reconquer al-andalus of imagined historic greatness. Imagined because history refutes such 'greatness' with the Reconquista.

Quote: "Its founder insists he is a moderate"

The political philosophy of 'divide and conquer' is now Orwellian "moderation" in the politic of Spain. . .who knew?

Unknown said...

A party consisting of individuals residing 'in' Spain, but not 'of' Spain, or 'for' Spain.

Statistics show that more than 40% of immigrants' children are not integrated in Spanish society and want to emigrate or to return to their places of origin.

About the "moderation" of this guy: you're too right. But no one can consider that as something illegal, while, for example, the petition to impose Sharia would be.

Anonymous said...

The Muslims are still humiliated by reconquista and they want "their country" back. Spain should look at Israel as the canary in the mine instead of demonizing the it left and right. If Israel is ever taken over by Jihadis, Spain could very likely be next on their agenda to reclaim lost "Muslim land".

Unknown said...

If Israel is ever taken over by Jihadis, Spain could very likely be next on their agenda to reclaim lost "Muslim land".

"Could very likely" is not correct in my point of view. "Spain IS next on their agenda". Hamas has already said that several times.

But I would defend Israel even if we weren't next on the agenda of radical Islam, just because it's the right thing to do.