Saturday, March 21, 2009

Stone all gays, says Islamic nutjob

“If a man likes another man, it can happen, but if you go on to fulfil your desire, if it is proved, then there is a punishment to follow [. . .] There are some people who are attracted to donkeys but that does not mean it is right.”

These are the hate words of one Anjem Choudary, whom I blogged about on Pink Triangle last Saturday after a (London) Standard article had drawn attention to his wish to see “the flag of Allah flying over Downing Street”.

Today, it’s the UK’s Daily Mail that is drawing attention to the madman’s words of vituperative hate for all things Western, under the headline, All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher of hate.

The Mail says, “Under [sharia], adulterers and homosexuals would be killed by stoning. Asked if that would include anybody – even a Cabinet minister such as Business Secretary Lord [Peter] Mandelson – Choudary responded with an astonishing diatribe.”

It then quotes the words that begin this post.

If gay people or anyone else were holding a press conference to denounce Muslims for being Muslims and practising Islam, would the police not be in there like a shot?

“If a man fancies the idea of Islam, it can happen,” one might have said. “But if you go on to fulfil your desire and practise Islam, and if it is proved, then there is a punishment to follow.

“There are some people who are attracted to all kinds of superstitions, but that does not mean it is right.”

The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement’s Rev. Sharon Ferguson is quoted in Sam Greenhill’s Mail piece as saying, “This is appalling. The police should look very closely at what has been said to see if there is any action they should be taking.”

Quite. Having an opinion about homosexuality is one thing and I would defend the right of, say, a vicar to hold up the gay lifestyle against what he perceives to be biblical proscription of that lifestyle, and thus condemn the gay lifestyle. It’s up to him or her. It’s an opinion, and he/she wouldn’t, we assume, be recommending a rock-flinging death for gay people caught daring to love one another.

What this nutjob is doing is tantamount to incitement.

The press conference, in London, was arranged by Muslim extremists to justify their protest in Luton last week against soldiers returning home from Iraq.

I've blogged quite a lot on Pink Triangle about the threat of creeping sharia (just put the word into the search box there). It’s worrying. I don’t think for a moment that we are on the verge of it in the UK, but speech such as this has to be denounced with ferocity and ridiculed at the highest levels – and that means that the supine British government, made up, as it is, of shoddy, third-rate careerist politicians who care more about the Muslim vote than freedom of expression, should be very firm very soon.

Some more recent posts on Pink Triangle (two of them by my blogging colleague Diesel B) that may interest IBA readers are to be found here, here and here.


Pastorius said...

About two years ago, I put up a post entitled "Kill All Gays". The post was about some other Islamic nutjob who had basically said the same thing this guy said.

Over the next two years, that post was one of our most visited posts. People would go to Google, type in "Kill All Gays", come to our website, and without reading the contents of the post (which were clearly condemning of the Imam's stupid opinions), comment "Yeah, kill all gays. Kill 'em all. We hate gays," and other stupid shit like that.

Very enlightening.

Keep watching this post. It is likely the same thing will happen here.

I ended up taking down the other post, because I got sick of all the comments.

Andy Armitage said...

Fortunately, Pasto, I added the "says" phrase, or else I could easily have fallen into the same trap!

Anonymous said...

Andy, doesn't that moron Choudary know that no less an authority on his precious "religion" than the Ayatollah Khomenei not only sanctioned bestiality but laid out the ground rules?

It's incitement, all right, and it will be worse than incitement once Sharia law truly gaines a foothold. This needs to be stamped out NOW.