Monday, July 13, 2009

A Tale of Two 31-Year Old Mothers

The repercussions for all of Germany following the murder of a 31-year old Muslim woman from Egypt by a passport-German from Russia in a German courtroom are remarkable and dramatic and remarkably dramatic. All honour killings and other crimes within the Muslim counter-culture, all killings, mutilations and beatings-up of Germans by our Muslim "culture enrichers" are, as far as they got any attention at all, forgotten. They were "isolated cases" anway, whereas for this, really isolated, case all Germans are held responsible, a crime committed by a man who wasn't even socialised within the evil "islamophobic" German culture.

Indeed, the media echo is stunning. A quick Google-search just for the name of the victim reveals amazing results. "Martyr", "headscarf" and "pregnant" are the feeds that mainly catch the eye. Of course, the German results are almost identical, with the German equivalents of "hate crime" and "racism" thrown in.

All of Germany is wallowing orgasmically, like swine wallow in dirt, in their own moral squalor. They love that.

And moral squalor it is indeed, just not in the way they see it.

The secretaries of both, the Central Council of Jews, convertite Stephan Kramer, and the Central Council Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, had the mutual enemy quickly identified and visited the widower together to express their sincere hypocrisy.

The French Figaro, so Gudrun Eussner informs me, quotes in today's print issue on page 7 the same Aiman Mazyek who states that "total (sic!) religious freedom" must be defended, part of which is the wearing of the headscarf:..."liberté réligieuse totale, dont fait partie le port du voile."

Has anybody still any doubt that we in the West are in a total (sic!) and global war with Islam?

Even such experts on human rights like Mahmud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution (SCCR) chimed in, the latter issuing a statement saying the murder of Marwa al-Sherbini in Germany demonstrated the West’s disrespect to human rights.

And nobody laughed.

The most revealing aspect was, however, that even such an obscene extravaganza of German self-hatred and submission wasn't enough for the trailblazing whips (or rather: "whippettes") of dhimmitude. Andrea Dernbach, who has proven her ethical depth and moral prowess already by a justification of sex with children to clear Islam of the suspicion of homophobia, asked under the header "Germany's new hatred": "Why does the death of a woman wearing a headscarf – who wasn’t the victim of a so-called “honour killing” – spark so little interest in Germany?"

So far, so bad, but lately we seem even to export that specific brand of Islam-adoring journalettes, maybe because whatever Germans do, they do thoroughly. And indeed, under the even more incredible header "A murder that Germany ignored" a woman with a German-sounding name whines (in the Al Guardian, no less!) about what must be, I don't have any other explanation, the figment of an oestrogen-addled brain, and doesn't even shy away from repeating an outlandish, preposterous accusation from the Muslim media:
They [the German media] could have asked – as an Egyptian did – why Marwa's husband, while he was trying to help his wife, was shot and wounded by a policeman in the courtroom. Because he was not blond-haired?
I am not a prolific letter-to-the-editor-writer, but this time I couldn't help myself:
Your name suggests that you can read German. So you either have an agenda or you are out of your mind. The German media is, since that crime happened, in an orgiastic, self-hating frenzy. "Germans! She died for your sins!" And you are SERIOUSLY selling the above drivel to an unsuspecting Guardian readership? The day the countless ethnic Germans who are beaten to a pulp or killed by our Muslim culture enrichers get at least a fifth of the media attention this case got and it still getting, I will stop worrying what makes people like you tick.
Elsewhere, in Iran, the 31-year-old mother of two, Mohabat Mahmodi, will be executed within the next couple of days, because she killed her rapist in self-defense.*

And nobody cares. They are all too busy being outraged by German islamophobia.

*Information from an email by Mina Ahadi, exile-Iranian and secretary of the Central Council of Ex-Muslims in Germany.

Cross-posted at


Z said...

this reaction of Germans is not the one a very close German friend is reading on the internet, that is FOR SURE.
They are all sad it happened and outraged at the muslim reactions to what happened. They're trying to have meetings with the 3.5 million muuslims there and their leaders know they're stuck but they're not caving in...Germany's not changing because of Muslims, they're telling Muslims to adapt or get out. NO laws or constitution are being changed to accomodate muslims, I assure you. Things like this case are waking Germans up and they're tired of the attacks to Germany of other countries condemning them for cases like this.

He reads mainstream German media, lest anybody think otherwise ...

The_Editrix said...

Of course there is a counter-movement. Exactly in the Internet, as everywhere else. There are, for example, wonderful entries in the comment section of the FAZ or in some blogs. But that is not THE media, THE public and THE politicians.