Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Ballad of Caucasian Rage Boy !

I was informed today via anonymous Yokki Mail that the EDL are good and wholesome, and I am a sooper sekrit commie leftist bigmouth bitch who should STFU & die immediately if not sooner for daring to dispute that! They politely held back JEW, of course.... for now....

Common sense should tell a person that these guys are shitheads just from LOOKING at them, never mind who they actually are or the crap that comes out of their mouths. What is ironic to me is that most people go off railing against some behavior or another, whether it is virtual as in LGF or in the real word as in the Jihad - only to fucking EMULATE the very behavior they claim to despise, to a tee, in their own team costumes. Brilliant. Caucasian Rage Boy Akbar! Our Jihood is Whiter than Yours! It's not fascism when WEEEEE do it! WE CAN DO THIS SATANIC MOLOCH SHIT EVEN BETTER THAN YOU CAN! Well mazel freakin' tov to you geniuses!

No matter how many times I explain to people that I understand that they feel lost and helpless and betrayed by their leaders in the face of the Jihad, that I understand deeply that these are the only people that you perceive to be "standing up to jihad" - no matter how much irrefutable information I give you that many of these so called anti jihadists are just as bad as the jihad itself - You will turn the blind eye out of expedience, out of fear, out of laziness, out of shallowness of moral character, out of stupidity, out of tribal affiliation, out of complacency, out of ignorance, out of vanity, out of hatred.... take your pick. In any event you will chose to stay blind. Let those who have eyes, see:

HEY! Big Nicky started out as a jihoodie too!

So did DeWinter .... they all do

With friends like him who needs enemas?

Quote: Originally Posted by British_Preservation
"And by harping on about Jews you are playing into their hands. Nobody listens to this "blame the Jews" crap, regardless of whether or not it's true. The cunning Jews have set it up in such a way that anyone who dislikes them looks like a raving, neo-nazi psychopath. That's not what I think, but it's what Joe Public thinks, unfortunately. It's like beating a dead horse."

But seriously, if Islam takes over you won't have to worry about Jews, I assure you...
Eradicating the Jews just isn't on my list of priorities. (FOR NOW -bz) Eradicating Islam from this land, is.

Female Division!

Fat angry chicks for killing people! It's not fascism when she does it!

Female Division in action!

Somehow your rageboyz do not make me feel any fookin' SAFER than their rageboyz...

Once there are no more Muslims to kill and they are done hiding their Jew hate and appropriating Israel as an excuse for their own fascist nationalism who the fuck you think they gonna turn all that jihoodie rage onto?

EDL supporters when they think no one is looking:
"Israelis are the most vindictive nation on earth. It stems from their religion of course. A quick glance through the rules of the Talmud will show you what makes them tick."
Here they burn a Nazi flag in hoods..... to prove they are not Nazis:

Stormfront on the Nazi Flag Burning EDL:
"Unfortunately we have to cover our faces" - "No doubt to hide your big hook noses."
STORMFRONT ~ Re: The Israeli Flag adopted by the English Defense League
Wolf, the nu-nationalists had their day here on SF. They used it, abused it, they tried to control it and us, and so it was taken away from them.

Here's what our Chief of Staff, Jack Boot, has to say on the jewish question:

Two concerns are salient on Stormfront these days.

The first holds that we are not radical enough about the Jewish danger, the other that we are too radical about it.

Some say we should permit no reservations or debate about the danger to be expressed here; and again, some say that naming the Jew is no way to win friends and influence people.

My friends, Stormfront was never primarily a recruiting tool, nor were we ever focused on getting out the vote. These are valid but secondary goals.

Stormfront is about the truth. Stormfront is first and foremost a place to forge stronger ties among those of us who have already formed a consensus, a means by which we keep this consensus vital, and a medium for our far-flung kinsmen to communicate most effectively. Stormfront is many other things, yes, but principally we are the global meeting hall, the virtual Committee of Correspondence, for one particular, singular tribe of the Aryan nations.

What defines this tribe? We are the keepers of the flame. We are the speakers of the truth. We can't tell what the future holds, or by what means our people will regain their resolve, their courage, their Faustian spirit - but we will be there. We, our tribe, may be the only reason our people survive the gathering storm. We may hold up the only light left in the rapidly darkening gloom of the New World Order.

David Duke is our leader. His strategy is clear: tell the truth. Does he concern himself overmuch with the tactics of telling the truth? No; your tactics are for you to decide. He says this: don't tell our activists to minimize the threat of Jewish Supremacism.

Tell the truth. Don Black, ironically the Quiet Man, our leader in his own right, has given us the means: Stormfront.

Stormfront is primarily for and about those of us who realize the preponderance of evidence and the verdict of history illuminate the Jewish Problem. Focus on this truth will justify itself in the end.

We don't speak of cults and temples. Many kinsmen are welcome here, despite that they may not agree with our core conviction. The British National Party are friends and allies. Other organizations like them are friends and allies - people we gladly welcome here. But all kinsmen should know who we are and what Stormfront is about. All kinsmen should know that we will quiet the noise here from time to time as we see fit, when that noise may become distracting. We welcome discussion - of course! - but we will not be overwhelmed by debate or discord.
Re: English Defence League counter protests at London Pro Palestinian rally
Quote: Originally Posted by GratefulFred
At this point the neo-nazis are the best we can hope for. There are millions of muslims and not millions of neo-nazis. Plus the neo-mazis aren't having 8 babies per family. Perhaps an anti all immigration group will spring up that will look to curb all non-productive immigrants from entering the country.
How do you think the already small Jewish community in the UK would cope if the neo-Nazis gained more influence? Do you you think the Hitler lovers now will respect Jews if they have a common enemy? No. Neo-nazis are stupid thuggish and villainous; they are not the answer to this probem or any problem. They are despised the world over by all decent people and have no credibility amongst anyone other than crude racists. I'm amazed that you would say anything in their defense.

The problem is this wet pathetic Labour government, who have allowed this invasion to happen. A leader needs to come into power who is not afraid of addressing these problems; the UK needs a strong leader, like a Churchill who will put their foot down and say no to Muslim demands. ~ Formally known on Israel Forum as Aviva.
Well.... they will stone her ass too I suppose. But it's not fascism when they do it.

Our Jihood is better than yours.


BabbaZee said...

I'm ready for my insults, Mr. DeMille!

Fcuk off said...

Most of these people are not Nazis. Many of them come from urban areas which were bombed by the Nazis and are well familiar with blitzkrieg from their grandparent experience of coming under nightly attack from bombers. Something which you Americans have never experienced.

Engage brain before opening gob.

BabbaZee said...

thats one

BabbaZee said...

reading comprehension issues I suppose.

From the post face:

No matter how many times I explain to people that I understand that they feel lost and helpless and betrayed by their leaders in the face of the Jihad, that I understand deeply that these are the only people that you perceive to be "standing up to jihad" - no matter how much irrefutable information I give you that many of these so called anti jihadists are just as bad as the jihad itself -

Pastorius said...

I'm ready for a gob of spit to my face, Mr. DeMille.

Anonymous said...


BulgarWheat said...

now, I've got my sea legs under me.

Anonymous said...

crazy pitch fork bitch

BabbaZee said...

Thanks Pastorious lol

BabbaZee said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

crazy pitch fork bitch

You rang?

Pastorius said...

Crazy pitchfork bitch might be the greatest nickname anyone has given you, this side of you.

I suggest you adopt that from time to time.


BabbaZee said...

Oh I already did, of course I did!
I loved it!

revereridesagain said...

When they slammed the door in the face of people like Wilders they opened it to this. Silence reason and you get left with inarticulate rage. The nice polite people let the Islamist threat grow, leaving a vaccuum for these mobs to fill, and then that becomes the only voice that is heard because they now have another excuse not to listen to Wilders, Bawer, Phillips and the other voices of sanity because now they can tar them with this insanity.

Neo-nazis are never the best you can hope for, they are only what you get when everyone else drops the ball.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why this blog suddenly heads in this direction.

I don't blame the neo-Nazis for their idiotic beliefs since that is all whats allowed to them.
It's easier to side with a raging group of Nazi's then to be standing out in the cold without anything or what?

What else young Englishmen can turn too then?
There is nothing else, he will be deemed a racist if he is against muslims anyway, and then he is just a lonely little racist waiting for his ass to get kicked and facing social exclusion from his coward buddies.

And yes, the hooligans will be the only form of resistance to save your fifty year old asses.

The ones needing reading glasses on this blog have no clue about the threat Europe and white people face.
Think it will stop with Wilders becoming prime-minister?
Think it will stop when every European country has a Wilders?

It will just delay, nothing more.

Epaminondas said...

Well anon, it's like this ..among REAL anti jihad people are those who mean well, but IMHO, are duped by the BNP revisionism into teddybears occultism, and hope that because they are now spewing anti muslim blahblah, they are now more anti muslim than anti other than Plantagenet direct descendants, especially those 'OTHERS' who supplied a lot of doremi for Richard I and Eddy I

No censoring here

However, that does beget pushback..which is what you are seeing.

Never the less when these wayward mirror image of Obama voters return to the fold of real seekers and respecters of freedom, religion, back ground, culture, and measured anarchy caused by all this, we will happily welcome them back without rancor.

BabbaZee said...


BabbaZee said...

that kinda flamin no one needs

Anonymous said...

What are English natives (those born of English people whose grandparents lived here before 1945) supposed to do?

They have been ruled for the last 11 years by a bunch of overgrown student Marxists who have enforced Gramscian Cultural Marxist ideas ["equality and diversity" = no criticism of black and minority ethnic groups allowed no matter how extreme their views, and aggressively secular agenda with the specific aim of destroying the Judaeo-Christian fabric of our society (Christianity and the family) with enforced "celebration" of sexual promiscuity, homsexual, lesbian and transgender "lifestyles" no matter how damaging these may be to society, together with suppression of any expression of native English identity on the grounds that it is inherently "racist"].

The entire political, administrative and chattering classes (Government, Civil Service, Local Government, State Education System, Police, Judiciary and Media) of this country have been waging a war on their own native citizens, while the NuLiebour "government" made sure that the only body of people not infected with Cultural Marxism and capable of resisting (the British Army) was kept far away in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Extremist Muslims are free to peddle their hate at returning British soldiers by megaphone, protected by a phalanxes of dhimmi police on the orders of the Home Office, while anyone who dares raise their voice in protest is arrested for committing whatever thought crime the police are supposed to be targeting that week.

And you have the nerve to criticise us for turning to the likes of the EDL?

WBK said...

I have long held that one of the dangers of the morally relativistic leftist/multiculturalist alliance will be the rise of nationalism. When regular people feel that their traditions are being traded by their representatives in order to buy the votes of newly arrived but numerically superior (in terms of voting blocs) group identity racialists, there will be violence. Minority groups, in sufficient numbers, can exert outsized influence on the democratic process if they stick together and place their group identity over the wellbeing of the existing status quo. Political consultants will make the argument to the powers that be that it is strategically favorable to abandon “white” or “black” middle class and working class voters in favor of a “victim class” constituent group such as “Muslim” or “Hispanic.”. The trade is short sighted because once elected the new power class will throw out the former leaders in favor of people from their own group. Having been told that they were screwed in the past, they will never relinquish power in the manner that they attained it. It is the movement away from equality for all—treating everyone under the same rules and expectations, along with an expectation of asimilation—that is alarming.

BabbaZee said...

And you have the nerve to criticise us for turning to the likes of the EDL?

Again, I can only assume no one really reads what I write.

BabbaZee said...

I have the nerve to point out the painfully obvious, carefuly, with respect to the reasons why others may not see that

for years on end now

which no one actually reads

how dare I

BabbaZee said...

Well that was a well reasoned comment

WhereTF am I?


maccusgermanis said...


I can't help but think that you still stumble towards some truth, but your links on this post are dead ends. In particular, the image of the molotov cocktails. Where was that image taken? Am I simply to assume that those are EDL members?

And the statement that EDL "is just as dangerous" as the jihad is patently false. Jihad is international. Nationalism comes conveniently married to an avoidable landmass. If it really comes down to leaving Britian to violent facists -which I'm not convinced EDL are- of either nationalist or internationalist tendencies, then the nationalists are preferrable.

But I would at this point be surprised, even though I haven't evidence, if the type of racists that you fear aren't rallying around the EDL. Thusfar the EDL has made attempts to distance themselves from such. And have, pending verification of your fire bombs pic, not initiated violence.

I think I understand your caution toward the EDL, but would hope that if you really nail them, it isn't on trumped up charges of mis-staken association.

BabbaZee said...

And give us Barabbas while you're at it too

make it snappy

Just Cause said...

Babbazee I do understand what you are trying to say but with respect you lack the understanding of English football culture that you can't read in a book or watch in a film. Not all skinheads are Nazis and neither are all football hooligans, but some will be which is undeniable.

The attempt to conflate the situation as Nazi's vs Muslims and then to tell us that we can't recognise what most of us have a deep understanding (and in my case, experience) of and then try to thrust it upon the British readership of this blog is particularly insulting. But hey, we're all adults here.

Ray Boyd said...

Well said Just Cause, "The attempt to conflate the situation as Nazi's vs Muslims and then to tell us that we can't recognise what most of us have a deep understanding (and in my case, experience) of and then try to thrust it upon the British readership of this blog is particularly insulting"

BabbaZee said...


if you do not recognize blind hate and rage when you see it whether it is coming from a muslim face or a white face or from any face....

Or if you find it acceptable in one face but not another?

what can I tell you....

If you want them to be your allies go ahead, knock yourselves out

I insult you? How?

Are any of you Jews? Do you know what I see?

Maybe you can make alliance with people who are acting exactly like Muslims but wearing crosses because it will never be your head at risk from your POV?

I dont know, I dont care frankly. I am not a converter. am not here to convince anyone of anything.

I only say what I see to be true.

You want them? You are welcome to them I am not trying to stop you.

Mazel Tov enjoy yourselves.

Far away from me.

Anonymous said...


You have not a clue or are you the lizoid queen

BulgarWheat said...

WTF is a lizoid queen?

You are known by your friends, your company.

The shit-heads from both sides are going to come down on decent people from both sides like bolders roll off off mountains.

How is it no one is aware of this?

Better get to know and love your GOD. Tough, hard days are coming.

BabbaZee said...

as you like

Pastorius said...

You said: Its very difficult when you see hordes of multicultural bliss showing you white people should get of this planet, and then your only answer is Mr.Spencer.

I say: What's wrong with Robert Spencer?

We never said there's anything wrong with him.

We've criticized him here, but we like him, and support him, and I for one think he is one of the most important anti-Jihad people today.

Pastorius said...

You said: Extremist Muslims are free to peddle their hate at returning British soldiers by megaphone, protected by a phalanxes of dhimmi police on the orders of the Home Office, while anyone who dares raise their voice in protest is arrested for committing whatever thought crime the police are supposed to be targeting that week.

I say: We freely acknowledge that your police are not doing their jobs, but are instead looking on while Muslims beat members of the EDL.

I have seen the photos, and I've also read the completely biased media reports which never make mention of the fact that all the violence is started by the Muslims and the UAF.

Pastorius said...

You said: I have long held that one of the dangers of the morally relativistic leftist/multiculturalist alliance will be the rise of nationalism. When regular people feel that their traditions are being traded by their representatives in order to buy the votes of newly arrived but numerically superior (in terms of voting blocs) group identity racialists, there will be violence.

I say: Yep. You have that exactly right.

This EDL/BNP phenomenon (and I know they aren't exactly the same thing) is the direct result of a government which no longer represents the people.

Pastorius said...

I would only ask this question: Do you have any evidence that the EDL has used violence at any of the rallies in recent months.

All I have seen in photos of the demonstrations and marches have been Muslims and UAF beating the EDL members.

Have you seen or heard otherwise?

BabbaZee said...


Come on.

Do these pictures look exactly the same as the Muslims they so despise? Jihoodies of Peace!

When Muslims act like Seething Muslims it is fine, even honorable, to point that out - but when we act exactly like Seething Muslims I should STFU?

provide "proof" ?

Is everyone blind?

When you hold a mirror up to a vampire
he sees nothing

Our Jihoodie is not better than theirs

and it is fascism no matter who does it

this is so simple even a 5 year old can understand it

someone run quick and fetch me a five year old

BabbaZee said...

And notice no one is put out about the appropriation of Christian symbols for hateful purposes

Just like none of the Jewish Dawkins supporters were put out
by his hatred of Jews and Israel when I got similar reaction from that crowd to that post which, like this one, was a collection of his own WORDS, this one being a collection of their own IMAGES


All those sheeple willing to be blind to atrocity A step to the left

All those sheeple willing to be blind to blasphemy B step to the right


Pastorius said...

You are drawing moral equivalence by appearance.

BabbaZee said...

Nothing can change us
no one can save us
from ourselves

BabbaZee said...

Ya think so?

Okeedokee then.

Pastorius said...

That's what it sounds like.

If that's not your point, ok.

If your point is simply that these guys look hateful, like Muslims look hateful, then I agree.

BabbaZee said...

Look you are trying to find away to justify very bad behavior because you are sympathetic to the whys of it. You want to do that, hey, go right ahead.

I can not.

BabbaZee said...

Matthew 13:15
For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'

BabbaZee said...

and turn, and I would heal them...




BabbaZee said...

Goodnight Gracie

we are chosen
we are one
we are frightened
of no one
and no one
will win this war
this is the way
this is the law

Anonymous said...


"Do these pictures look exactly the same as the Muslims they so despise? Do these pictures look exactly the same as the Muslims they so despise? Jihoodies of Peace!

You making a winning point here, with your observation

Congratulations !!!!

Jihoodies of Peace!
For scoring in your own goal

They do look like folks from UAF, who have very long record of violence at pro moslem demos and anti israel demos

Pastorius said...

You said: ... trying to find away to justify very bad behavior ...

I say: Really? Me?

That's patently ridiculous. I have been on the anti-VB/BNP side of this argument for MUCH longer than you have, Babba.

I would remind you that I have been on the VB since 2002, and clearly since I began writing a blog in 2004.

You didn't catch on til 2007.

What I am asking you is what "bad behavior"?

From what I can tell, you are making judgements about these people in these pictures, based upon the looks on their faces, and then you are conflating the opinion you have formed about their appearance with the entire EDL.

I no doubt there are some very bad elements involved in the founding of the EDL, and in its daily operation.

But, that does not mean they have exhibited "very bad behavior".

If they have, then let me know when and where.

That video you posted the other day was an example of some people who were involved with the EDL exhibiting bad behavior.

All I am trying to point out is that their behavior at these rallies has been stellar, in comparison to the Muslims and the UAF.

As far as their behavior, thus far, is concerned, they are not nearly morally equivalent with the UAF and the Jihadists.

Listen, one of the reasons you and I get into trouble with people all the time is because we insist on critical analysis.

That's what I am doing with you.

It is my opinion that, unless I am misunderstanding you, you are drawing moral equivalence between the EDL and the UAF/Jihadists.

I don't think the facts on the ground have born that out as of yet.

And, once again, I do agree with you that the EDL is extremely problematic, and is likely allied with elements of the BNP, if it is not a BNP front group outright.

BabbaZee said...

But, that does not mean they have exhibited "very bad behavior".


It's only bad when Muslims cover their faces, seethe, and give Nazi salutes?

We can not have it both ways. Because they act this way does not justify us acting this way

Very bad behavior.


And it all leads to the same end

And now I must to sleep

Anonymous said...



London October 31st


Undoubtedly, Islam and the Shari’ah have reached new heights in the United Kingdom, Muslim communities up and down the country have brought forth a culture and system that is not only superior to the British way of life but also a shining example of what true subservience to Almighty God can bring to a society drowning in disbelief and oppression.

Recent months have been particularly debilitating for the British population who have struggled to get by as basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter have become more cumbersome to obtain. The MPs’ expenses scandal that shocked the nation unfortunately also demonstrates the cruel indifference the British government has towards its citizens and moreover how they appear to be more concerned with wasting public money on personal frivolities than investing it for the betterment of society.

As a result of this perpetual malaise, Islam4UK with the help of sincere Muslims launched a series of Islamic Roadshow’s that provided a real answer to the problems faced by the British community; with over 16 different locations already hit including, Birmingham, Slough, Lewisham, Peckham and Green Street, approximately 70 men and women have embraced Islam, reinforcing the dire need for Shari’ah in contemporary Britain.

In light of all this, Islam4UK would like to declare the launch of a spectacular procession that will take place on 31st October 2009.

We hereby request all Muslims in the United Kingdom, in Manchester, Leeds, Cardiff, Glasgow and all other places to join us and collectively declare that as submitters to Almighty Allah (SWT), we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture. On this day we will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari’ah in Britain.


Anonymous said...

"In forthcoming days, Islam4UK will also publish, as a run up to this special event, a fascinating insight into how Britain’s architecture, transport and culture will be revolutionised under the Shari’ah. Watch out for articles including:

Trafalgar Square under the Shari’ah

Football Stadiums under the Shari’ah

Pubs under the Shari’ah

Buckingham Palace under the Shari’ah

Keep updated with to see the Islamic blueprint of the remarkable changes that will occur in Britain as it transforms into a thriving Islamic State.

Where will the procession take place?

First Stop: House of Commons

The primary source of polytheistic legislation in Britain, the House of Commons is at the centre of Britain’s oppressive law making policies; from here fallible men and women decide what should be legal and illegal. It is from this very place where the lives of millions of people in the UK are changed and it is from here where unjust wars are launched.

Islam4UK stewards and guides will be at hand to direct all attendees to the centre of the congregation from where the March for Shari’ah will officially commence.

Second Stop: 10 Downing Street

Almost 300 years old, 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Gordon Brown, the current Prime Minister, is one of the chief figures in making laws and regulating the affairs of society. In the last few years, he has undoubtedly brought Britain down to an all new low and appears to be truly blind to the damaging impact of his oppressive bureaucracy.

After demanding the abolishment of the House of Commons Muslims will then march to 10 Downing Street, and call for the removal of the tyrant Gordon Brown from power.

Third Stop: Trafalgar Square

A site of significant historical value, Muslims will gather even more support from tourists and members of the public, making clear in the heart of London the need for Shari’ah in society.

Fourth Stop: Buckingham Palace

This is the official London residence for Britain’s sovereigns including Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth II, is undoubtedly at the source of all immoral laws in Britain; in receipt of millions of pounds in benefits from the public purse she is also the key signatory in validating all laws passed in the United Kingdom, and ultimately is the final step in which all members of parliament must pass in order for their laws and amendments to achieve frutition.

The final stop for the March for Shari’ah, Muslims in conjunction with Islam4UK will call for the complete abolishment of the British monarchy in favour of an Islamic system that provides real justice and immediate solutions to the problems faced in every borough in the United Kingdom."–procession-march-for-shariah

Anonymous said...


This last post by Babaazee is a bit over the top

It is evident she doesnt have a clue what is going on in Britian

In her ignorance and her rising arrogance she is promoting UAF smear propaganda.

The Casuals do have a long history of extreme violence and they do not hide the fact, yet most of the violence was directed at each other, each football club had their own gang/crew/firm, so the battle was not only on the pitch by the clubs players, but also of the pitch by the firms, who in many places arranged to fight before.

They do not have a record of racism, though their have been a few cases of inter-race fights

They do not have a record of anti-semitism There have been fights between gangs where the one football gang which call themselves The Yids (Tottenham Hotspurs). I do not know if the Yids have joined in yet, if they have it could easily explain the use of the Israeli flag

This whole thing with EDL is going to very big and become very explosive, and the government,UAF/Moslems knows it.
The casuls have years of street fighting behind them, and they are not know to back down.We can see this by looking at the last couple of demo,the first few they where attacked when the odds where stacked against them, but at Manchester where the odds where leved 2-1 against their favour the UAF/moslems where not so quick to attack

We are going to see the net flooded with anti-EDL black propaganda, so we do not need to have dishonest reporting as we are witnessing from Babazee

Just Cause said...

Pastorius, "And, once again, I do agree with you that the EDL is extremely problematic, and is likely allied with elements of the BNP, if it is not a BNP front group outright."

No, no, and no again.

The EDL are not problematic, some members within the EDL might be problematic. The mission statement of the EDL is non violent protest against the imposition of sharia law that ANYONE can join. I got a newsletter from them asking people to get Gay/Lesbian groups invited to the program of demos for Gods sake. The EDL also have support from Muslims, go have a look round their forums.

The fact that the people that have decided enough is enough and to meet advocates of advancing sharia face to face in the streets at great personal risk are gangs of football hooligans isn't a great surprise. What IS a surprise is that they are dead set on peaceful protest which has castrated the left wing media in terms of being able to marginalise them. By committing to peaceful protest their numbers and support is snowballing and quite rightly so. Ironically those with the same agenda seem hell bent on doing the left wing medias job for them!

Bulgarwheat, "The shit-heads from both sides are going to come down on decent people from both sides like bolders roll off off mountains."

Again, no understanding of English football culture. You'd be amazed at just how organised organised football violence actually is.

Babbazee, "Look you are trying to find away to justify very bad behavior because you are sympathetic to the whys of it. You want to do that, hey, go right ahead."

Isn't that what war is all about? You are advocating a position of conscientious objector which is not an option when faced with a determined foe who IS dead set on using violence. Appeasement is not an option and I subscribe to Churchill's view regarding war in that you have to deliver defeat to your enemy before they deliver it to you.

BabbaZee said...

They do look like folks from UAF, who have very long record of violence at pro moslem demos and anti israel demos

Well Excuse me. How foolish of me. Mazel Tov.

SO, the Muslims have succeeded in causing these so called righteous people to act exactly as they do?

And you are proud of that?

And angry at me for posting pictures of them behaving this way?

Good job, Anti Jihadi people! You now know exactly how to act to like the jihad. That'll save us.

BabbaZee said...

What I am asking you is what "bad behavior"?

Good Lord.

Listen you are so smart, I am a not? You knew many things before I ever woke up in the morning? OK fine.

Mazel tov to you too then!

I must be nuts Charles Johnson must be right about me.

These people in these photos are wonderful!

There is no bad behavior!

Seethe away with them all you want, I am telling you I do not care to "convince" you or anyone beyond what I have already said and done

All I know is the enemy has succedded to make these people act like them, not that these people have not succedded to make the enemy act like us.

If most of the people in this pictures did not have Muslims to hate they would be after me and any other Jew they could find.

My bottom line here is fuck anyone who acts this way I do not give a rats ass what color or religion they are

You wanna support it go right ahead

There is not enough "proof" that this kind of shit is bad for us? Okeedokee the

I am not going to support it based on what I already see and know.
You may do whatever you like.

I am not obligated to "convince" you of things you refuse to see.

Pastorius said...

Let me put it to you this way, I had a look like that on my face when I saw a dyke prison guard treating a line of 15 women in orange suits like they were animals. She had them marching in line on a 75 degree angle ledge of mud two feet wide, about three feet about a raging river that was at least 12 feet deep and moving at 15-20 mph.

I confronted the woman and reminded her that these women were human beings, and that if one of them were to slip and fall, she would be responsible for their death.

The dykey prison guard chick challenged me to a fight and asked me "what the fuck are you going to do about it?"

All the while, of course, she's got a gun and all her fellow prison guards have a gun too. So, I got angry, and I'm quite sure I looked just like some of these "Jihoodis".

But, what I did was call the police on the dyke.

Smart move; calling the police on the police.

But, it was the best thing I could do.

Truth is, if a prison guard was not such a vaunted member of our society, and if instead, these women were being marched by someone who was a volunteer, I would have stepped in and made a citizens arrest. Such an act would have taken the willingness to confront a person who may become violent.

That would have been my responsibility as a human being, were it not for the fact that these women had guns.

When one is confronted by ugly situations, it is natural to get angry.

Perhaps you walk around with a beatific look on your face all the time. I do not.

Pastorius said...

Just Cause,
You said: Pastorius, "And, once again, I do agree with you that the EDL is extremely problematic, and is likely allied with elements of the BNP, if it is not a BNP front group outright."

No, no, and no again.
The EDL are not problematic, some members within the EDL might be problematic.

I say: We've already documented here (in other posts) that some of the founding members of the EDL have had links to prominent BNP blogs on their blogs. Also, I know personally that some of the EDL people came out of the BNP.

That's why I called for them to explain to us about their past, why they left the BNP, and what were the events which led to their conversion away from racism.

If one is going to change their view on racism, that is a paradigmatic shift in worldview, and it is a conversion story. People who have such conversions usually want to talk about them. They usually do not keep quiet, because they find that they can not keep quiet, the events were so dramatic and vivid.

Pastorius said...

I also probably had a look like that on my face last week when my dog pissed in my office for about the 50th time this year.

I also probably had a look like that on my face when my 11 year old daughter started crying and yelling at me in an accusatory way because she lost her jacket ... as if I would become the goof god Loki all of the sudden and decided to round up with friggin' jackets and hide them under a mushroom or something. YOu know, just for shits and giggles.

Yes, I get angry and when I do, I probably get stupid looks on my face.

Anonymous said...

Pastorius Friday, October 16, 2009 2:41:00 AM said...

I say: We freely acknowledge that your police are not doing their jobs, but are instead looking on while Muslims beat members of the EDL.

I have seen the photos, and I've also read the completely biased media reports which never make mention of the fact that all the violence is started by the Muslims and the UAF.

Thank you. At least someone (presumably on the western side of "The Pond") understands what it is like to live and work in a country where the government and media have spent the years since 1997 (Tony Bliar's NuLiebour 1st election victory) actively appeasing Muslims, suppressing any active resistance, and "managing" the news so that anyone who has not bowed the knee to the idol of Multiculturalism is prefaced by the phrase "extreme right-wing...".

The tragedy for those English people who love their native land is this. By developing and enforcing a mindset in which anyone that rejects Multiculturalism is branded as "racist" in order to shut down legitimate debate on the desirability or otherwise of uncontrolled third-world immigration into an already overcrowded island, I and other patriots are left with the unenviable choice of either bowing the knee to the idol of Multiculturalism, or supporting the (genuinely nasty and racist) BNP because they are the only party that articulates the impotent rage of native white English people in the face of the Labour/Liberal/Conservative Cultural Marxist political and media elite.