Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Infidel Babe of the Week

(unless, of course, we get pics of BabbaZee or Always on Watch)

C'mon Carlos, Avenging Apostate, back me up here.

She's hot.

She's smart.

She's hot.

She's All American. The very definition of Infidel.

She's hot.

She's a mom.
She's a grandmom.
Did I mention she's hot?
She's ready to release a book that, by Amazon's own admission, is unprecedented in pre-release sales.
And, best of all, a year after the elections she STILL has The Left and Charles Johnson (but I repeat myself) going batshit trying to discredit her.

Don't you think it's about time she was Babe of the Week?
(besides, she looks better on a bike than you-know-who)


Anonymous said...

Seconded, and for one of those bonus sized weeks too yup yup yup.

Pastorius said...

I took the word "nominee off the title, so now she is the new babe of the week. I'll send it to Warren, and then she'll be in the sidebar.

Rebellious Kafir said...

in addition to "hot" can we add passionately pro-life, unashamedly patriotic, tough minded, gritty, devoted to her faith and perpetual pain in the ass of liberals everywhere?

Epaminondas said...

More important than ANY of these qualifications ..

she drives the right people absolutely out of their minds, and the the play becomes worthwhile to watch with a sandwich and a stout

midnight rider said...

dang it, Epa, ya made me hungry and thirsty. Guinness at 10:15 ok, but a sandwich? Too early.

Just got pork and sauerkraut started in the crock pot for supper though. This house is gonna smell good in a couple hours.

Anonymous said...

Ill vote for her.

im not sure why you had to blind me with a picture of our fearless beta male president at the bottom though....

Anonymous said...

about time you got someone from alaska! :) i'll let her know if I run into her somewhere


christian soldier said...

Finally-an IBW with whom I can identify!!!
How this for a list of those we can support:

midnight rider said...

#1 -- Kid! You're practically next door neighbors by Alaskan standards!

Pastorius said...

Christian Soldier,
That's a good list.

What about Jim DeMint?

Warren said...

In Mary's Image said...
"in addition to "hot" can we add passionately pro-life, unashamedly patriotic, tough minded, gritty, devoted to her faith and perpetual pain in the ass of liberals everywhere?

Not only could but did, see sidebar.

Pastorius said...

Gracias mi amigo, Warren.


Carlos Echevarria said...

Sorry for the late entry here, in terms of commenting, in light of the altering of the health care debate (via Facebook amazingly) her recent Hong Kong speech which was quite nuanced & cogent and her upcoming book pre-sales, Sarah Palin has made an incredible impact of US domestic and foreign policy in the last couple of months....

She is more than worthy for the title you have bestowed upon her.....