Monday, February 08, 2010


This was one of the Super Bowl ads today. I don't think I've ever seen such a loser ad on the Super Bowl broadcast.

Football fans are not exactly believers in the Green paradigm.

Prediction: Audi will be firing their ad agency within months.


christian soldier said...

I thought it was an anti-green ad - a spoof if you will-then the audi gets a the green police...
Would you buy an audi?
I wouldn't....
BTW-I chose the Saints (you all know I'm an HOCKEY fan) so-- I chose well (-: and -my team WON :-)
Now-back to hockey!!1

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I thought it was a brilliant spoof, until the end, when it became apparent that Audi is proud that they would be ok with the "Green Police".

It's frightening to think that anyone thinks this ad is reasonable.

It is a kind of indoctrination into Environmentalist Dhimmitude.

revereridesagain said...

Well that was terrifying. With any luck most of the viewers will think so too.

Is it me, or were they using an anteater as a sniffer dog?

Anonymous said...

This pisses me off big time. Where I live, individual homeowners contract with a rubbish removal service which limit recycling to 3 types of plastic, as well as glass, tin cans and aluminum. They offer no opportunity to get rid of batteries, chemicals, computer parts, medicines or those forsaken swirly "eco-disaster-in-the-making" mercury-laden supposedly "energy-saving" - insert string of profanity here@^"&%$$$$ dim-watted ridiculously expen$ive light-bulbs that never last beyond a few months.
Side note: Nick Gillespie at Reason takes a critical look at the abolitionist movement aiming at Edison’s world-changing invention, and the poor replacement that bureaucrats will leave us: ReasonTV: Light Bulbs vs. The Nanny State

We wait for the county to announce the annual date for disposal of hazardous items and if we're lucky, we are alloted a time slot & schedule an appointment. Another headache, another expense.

And watch this . . .beyond the eco-tragedy just waiting to unfold because of those mercury laden bulbs, our gov't is cahoots with the UN and is already penning legislation to hold each consumer responsible.

The failed global warming carbon credit fiasco was just a trial balloon.

Maine Senator Susan Collins introduced
S 2913 to fund MercNet.

The importance of this mercury issue is Obama is keeping his promise to bankrupt the coal industry . . .and to destroy Coal Fired Electric Plants and mercury atmospheric emissions--ALL TO BE REGULATED BY THE UN!

It appears they are using those damned computer models to "estimate" emissions!!!!
So this one could be worse than Climate Change issue-because mercury IS dangerous.

Is this another round of policy driven science to meet the Obama agenda - usurping US law to follow UN laws and mercury regulations?

Computer modeling nightmare 2.0
US and UN legally binding Mercury treaty

For additional information, see: Obama Shifts U.S. Policy to Back Global Mercury Control Treaty

revereridesagain said...

A lot of people don't know what little time bombs those light bulbs are. Until they break one. And if you put them in an eclosed globe they'll burn out even faster than incandescents.

Epaminondas said...

This is marketing WRIT LARGE.

DIESEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't care how freaking clean it is or isn't. They have my utmost admiration for the idea.

"Don't buy that dirty gas, BUY DIESEL"


Anonymous said...

So, tell me, is the advertised demonstration of the power of "green police" ok with you EPA?

Anonymous said...

they, I think, trying to say we fly below the radar, we are a bad boy in disguise a world that eventually will limit all your day to day freedoms you can still driv e fast in stile in a politically incorrect diesel without being spotted,

unfortunately it still comes of like they endorse the green police life not the ubsurdism of the green police.

Anonymous said...

they, I think, trying to say we fly below the radar, we are a bad boy in disguise a world that eventually will limit all your day to day freedoms you can still driv e fast in stile in a politically incorrect diesel without being spotted,

unfortunately it still comes of like they endorse the green police life not the ubsurdism of the green police.

Anonymous said...

they, I think, trying to say we fly below the radar, we are a bad boy in disguise a world that eventually will limit all your day to day freedoms you can still driv e fast in stile in a politically incorrect diesel without being spotted,

unfortunately it still comes of like they endorse the green police life not the ubsurdism of the green police.

Pastorius said...

Was that their message? Ok, that makes sense.

Does it make me like the commercial?

Does it make it an effective commercial?

No, I don't think so.

Epaminondas said...

Anonymous, the commercial is logical inversion ..


so they can invert your thinking about DIESEL

It would be like making a commercial and saying,

buy XXXX
it's (inexpensive, easy to use, and simple) for the cheap, lazy and stupid

Pastorius said...

I'm sorry. I'm not getting your point. Do you agree with Rumcrook. How can it be both satire and an honest attempt to invert one's thinking on Diesel?

Michael Travis said...

Some folks are suffering from a severe case of Irony deficiency.

Take 6 serious beers.... and try again.

Epaminondas said...

Because your can't overcome the EMOTIONAL (as opposed to logical or scientific/engineering) resistance of what everyone IN THE WORLD thinks of when they think of as diesel (I used to stop people tailgating me in my Audi diesel, by taking it out of gear and FLOORING IT)... without turning the entire idea into a farce, including a very sarcastic look of environmentalism IN THE EXACT SAME WAY.

I've watched this on youtube now 3 times. It's all now on DRUDGE.

They are not exponents of green police. They are doing satire.

'Oh and by the way world, we make a clean diesel.'

So the friggin' green police might bust you for your Evian, but not the DIESEL AUDI

It's good fun.
I'm back to my question about humorless communists.

Pastorius said...

Instead of humorless anti-Jihadists like me.
