Monday, February 08, 2010

Climategate Part II: Help us follow the money

Roger Simon and PJM put out the call for help in investigating Climatgate:

Since it’s clear the Internet (notably the blogosphere) exposed the dubious science of anthropogenic global warming, thankfully before we all went broke (or more broke than we already are), it’s time to turn to our next assignment – following the money.

Cui bono in this giant metastasizing scam? Yes, we already know that the IPCC’s Rajendra Pachauri may have some ill-gotten gains, not to mention a few scientists who may have flown first class to Bali and other such boondoggles, but they are indeed small potatoes. Big money was – or was intended to be – made with carbon exchanges set up in Europe and the USA. Fraud at the European exchange to the tune of one and half billion dollars is already under investigation by Scotland Yard. But that’s the tip of the proverbial iceberg. As far back as July 2009, the Science and Public Policy Institute published a broadside – Climate Money – alleging that 79 billion had already been spent on this unproven science. That’s an extraordinary sum, even if exaggerated by eighty or ninety percent. Who knows how much has been spent and who has benefited?

Well, we at Pajamas Media would like to know – and we imagine you would too. And speaking of the tip of that proverbial iceberg, this is not only about Al Gore. There are plenty of high rent dots to be connected here with much pertinent information to be revealed and names to be named. I am writing this post to solicit your help. Just as the blogosphere was so instrumental in dissecting the science, it can also help track the money. If you have knowledge or expertise in this area, please contact us at We will forward this on to Charles Martin – our resident guru on all matters climatic – who will collate and report back. Thanks for your help.


ciccio said...

If you are going to follow the money, here is a good place to start. Go to Craigslist, jobs, non-profit, any town in the US. In the past few months there have been 100's of ads, every lefty in town is advertising for "community activists" of one sort or another, save the climate, the whales, the children, elect a demorcat, Greenpeace et al. Not on starvation wages either, in a dozen ads form Atlanta to Washington I have seen the same figure mentioned. Starting at $ 23,750 to $ 26,500. Is this stimulus money, is it Soros & Co, who the hell is pumping all this money.

Pastorius said...

Good find. Could you provide me with some CraigsList links, so I can post on it?

ciccio said...

Just type in Craigslist, they give a list of counties, then cities, it does not matter which in the States, it is on 90% of them . Look for jobs, non profit and they scuttle out like cockroaches. If you do not find what I am talking about in three minutes I'll eat my hat - your choice, bowler or top. It changes every few days. I am not in the States so I do not know what is going on, a couple have called for comittment till August 2011. Any significance to that date?

Pastorius said...

I think it likely has to do with the Census.

I'll check it out.

ciccio said...

Nothing to do with the census, here the link, just go down the various cities jobs- nonprofit you'll find this:
Dem party of Georgia $1200-2400
Advocate for GW, work for progess
Fund for pub;lic interest $23,750

Texas environment $375 p.w.
Grassroots campaign 32 positions $24,000
Fund for public interest $23,750
Greenpeace GW $12-13 p.h.
Grassroots campaign to stop child poverty $300-500

Go through a handful, you'll soon recognize the ones that are not local and part of something bigger.
You will find it in just about every city on that list

Pastorius said...

Hmm. Very interesting.

Pastorius said...

I can't imagine what it's for, but I can guess the money comes from the "Stimulus Package".