Sunday, February 07, 2010

Geert Wilders Trial Postponed, Perhaps, For Nearly a Year

Are the Dutch authorities attempting to deprive Wilders of any positive bounce he might get, electorally, by postponing his trial?

Pamela has the story.

1 comment:

Black Sheep said...

This may have a parallel in our recent election of Republican Sen. Brown in Democratic Massachusetts, that rocked the Dems and took away their 60 vote majority. The public spoke out loud and clear against the Obama agenda and a lot of Dems are now abandoning that agenda in favor of saving their careers.

Public sentiment in the Netherlands is mostly for Geert Wilders and against their governments policy. Clearly, the trial is only increasing Wilders popularity and making his prosecutors look worse day by day, and if they dared to hand down a conviction, that could endanger their careers.

Therefor, I will not be surprised to see various excuses given to postpone this trial indefinitely, and never resume it. This would hold the muslims at bay and minimize public wrath at the government. They have to know by now what a great mistake they made by initiating this farce and what weaklings they've shown themselves to be, to the world. The citizenry is obviously turning against them as indicated by the rising popularity of Wilders party, if nothing else. And there's plenty else.

If the trial is eventually resumed, I would at the least expect to see a majority of the charges dropped. Any conviction of Geert Wilders for even a minor charge will result in havoc at the polls.