Thursday, February 04, 2010

Mitch McConnell Today at the Heritage Foundation

it's lengthy but so worth your time


revereridesagain said...

And Iran launched a rocket into outer space today with what sounded like some kid's low-maintenance pet collection on board, but not to worry because it "failed to put anything into orbit". Now why else might Iran be interested in testing their ability to launch rockets into space...? Say, about 300 miles up in EMP territory?

EMP? Isn't that some sorta science fiction stuff?

And the Coast Guard says there's no reason whatever for the city of Boston to worry about LNG tankers from Yemen (a fully owned subsidiary of al Qaeda) lumbering through the harbor 3 times a month, because they've got the situation under control so what could possibly go wrong?

And the new airport full body scanners will pick up any exploding boob implants or appendixes on wannabe shaheeds because hey, nobody ever makes it through security and onto a plane with concealed explosives, right?

And the jihadists wouldn't dare pull a Beslan in an American school because they know that's the one thing guaranteed to send Americans all ballistic on dey ass. They do know that, don't they? They wouldn't want to make us really angry, right?

There are so many bozos whistling past the graveyard these days it looks like a damn clown parade.

Anonymous said...

fast forward to 0:43 on this AP report at Youtube:

Iran also unveiled "Phoenix", a new satellite booster rocket February 3, 2010

". . .Ahmadinejad looked on as a scientist kissed a copy of the qur'an and then revealed the booster rocket, setting off religious chanting from the audience."

Doesn't this scene remind you of the movie "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" when they worshiped their "cobalt" bomb called "Alpha-Omega" ?

Pastorius said...

That's a funny analogy.