Thursday, February 11, 2010

New survey reveals that Western liberals support Hamas/Hezb-allah more than Arabs

From Watcher:
In a survey taken last spring by the Pew Research Centre covering Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Territories, Turkey and Israel the locals were asked how they feel towards the likes of Hamas and Hezb-allah. The results show that contrary to the Western Liberal mindset, the locals do not see the above two organizations as anything other than thugs.

In fact, less people support Allah's little freedom fighters in the countries they are based in than in ethical latte joints, say, in darkest London. I'm sure the 'We are all Hezb-allah' crowd in Lambeth will knock up a protest march through the streets of London in which to bitch about the inaccuracies of the above poll.


mah29001 said...

It seems these terrorists are trying to get the West to support their cause through what's typically called white guilt.

But why does it seem like it's okay for terrorists to expand their religious beliefs onto you then? It's almost as if these Islamic radicals have an Invisible Empire of a sort.

cjk said...

'It's almost as if these Islamic radicals have an Invisible Empire of a sort.'
You're right on. They also have a leader who's sometimes described as the 'god of this world'.