Sunday, February 14, 2010

Portugeuse Pilot Foils Armed Hijacker

Not a lot of details yet. It seems to me this story is pretty damned dramatic, and yet the Swedish language paper I got this from tells it as if it was just another day at the office.

Very strange.

From DN:
The drama began shortly after takeoff from the airport in Cascais, on Friday.

The pilot was successful, he tells himself to Aftonbladet, twisting the gun out of his hand on the hijacker and the control plane to a higher elevation so that the two other passengers, two skydivers, could jump out and escape.

Hijacker took over the controls.

- I was totally one hundred that he would overthrow the air in a house, for he was aiming towards a residential area, "said the Swede for the newspaper.

Using the dual command of the second pilot site, he could eventually control the airplane and strangle the supply of fuel so that it crashed at the airport in Tires outside Lisbon. Where he escaped from the plane while the hijacker took his life by shooting himself.

The Swedish pilot has no plans to give up the job in the private Portuguese airline.

- I imagine that it was an isolated case, "he says on the hijacking drama.

It's likely the guy was NOT a Jihadist. As long as a Jihadist still had control of a gun, he would not take his own life, as this man did.

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