Friday, April 16, 2010

I just heard Obama say Tea Partiers should say THANK YOU for taxes?

Obama says he is AMUSED by the protests ...'laissez les manger gateaux'.
Sure plays a mean pinball, huh?

Meanwhile, back in the USA outside the Bastille:

Hating the government finally goes mainstream

Three years ago, the Republican establishment piled scorn on the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul.

Today, he is in a statistical tie with President Obama in 2012 polling. His son, an ophthalmologist who has never run for elective office, is well ahead of not only the GOP's handpicked candidate for Senate in Kentucky but also both Democratic contenders -- all statewide officeholders.

And Chris (I'm outa here on account of my banking shenanigans with mortgages which brought us to this mess) Dodd has introduced his finance fix it bill.. THE KEY PART OF WHICH ..taxes institutions to create a new administration whose job it is to decide whose business, and when to SEIZE in the govt's name in order to safeguard the economy.


And not to be outdone going over the cliff ...


A long-awaited compromise bill to reduce U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming will be unveiled by a group of senators on April 26, sources said on Thursday.The White House is also eager to show the rest of the world the United States is ready to take a leadership role on global warming, including to help kick-start stalled international efforts to tackle the problem.

We are going to pass a bill to fix situation whose existence is now admitted to being arranged statistically by those who benefited financially and in their careers by doing so. I am for a nice clean earth, but if we do not drill, build nukes, and convert to natural gas as if there is no tomorrow, - then add this to our debt and other stupidities and there will no tomorrow to clean up. And is this, like the Health Care fiasco going to reincarnate as Cap and Trade at bill passage time?

And now onto individual rights, you know the thing every dem hack pilloried Bush over...

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LL said...

There is the daily outrage from the barack hussein obama regime.

And many Americans still drink the Kool-Aid and watch MSNBC, swallowing the lies and the vitriol they spew.

However, the worm is beginning to turn. barack hussein obama can laugh for the next 2.5 (or so) years, but he's a one-term guy. Of course he'll have made his money in direct salary and kickbacks by then, but his memory will be barbed and clouded as the worst president in history. You can't escape karma.

revereridesagain said...

Um, is anyone else keeping a wary eye on the Iceland volcano situation? Not just the current disruption of air traffic but the possibility that this volcano will set off Katla, the bigger one next to it, which will result in widespread disruption probably for several months. What I'm thinking about -- (besides "NO! Erupt in October if you have to but DON'T EFF WITH MY SUMMER!") -- is Obummah getting an unexpected windfall in terms of assuming powers to deal with the
"crisis" if air travel, growing seasons, etc. get messed up for an extended period.

Epaminondas said...

rra I don't think so fact I think there is a danger here for those who argue man is so powerful we are destroying gaia.

One SMALL volcano goes partly off and MAN is grounded, possibly for months ..what can we do, besides all out nuclear war which would take all of us acting in concert and stupidity to match this MINOR natural event?

Pastorius said...

Good point, Epa. Actually, I think that's a great point.

Always On Watch said...

I saw that I-am-amused statement by BHO this morning.

The man's ego is astounding -- and dangerous.