Thursday, August 12, 2010

Robert Spencer on The man behind the mosque: A Detailed look at Imam Rauf's history of radical rhetoric

Robert Spencer is almost always great. But here, he is absolutely on fire.

GOP Reps Peter King, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Slam Obama Regime for Sending Ground Zero Mosque Imam Overseas, He’s a “Radical” and Will “Promote Extremism”

August 12, 2010- The imam behind the controversial plans to build a mosque near the site of New York City’s Ground Zero is headed to the Middle East for a religious outreach trip sponsored by the U.S. State Department.
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said the department is sending imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, where he will discuss Muslim life in America and promote religious tolerance.
“We have a long-term relationship with him,” Crowley told reporters. “His work on tolerance and religious diversity is well-known and he brings a moderate perspective to foreign audiences on what it’s like to be a practicing Muslim in the United States.”
…The imam has taken similar trips before. However, some Republicans in Congress feel the upcoming trip is “unacceptable.”
“This radical is a terrible choice to be one of the faces or our country overseas.” Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida and Peter King of New York said in a statement. “The United States should be using public diplomacy programs to combat extremism, not to endorse it."


Anonymous said...

Translated Arabic interview: GROUND ZERO IMAN CALLS FOR RETURN TO MOST RADICAL FORM OF ISLAM IN HISTORY via Web Today Daily Conservative News
Quote: ". . .The following is a translation of an Arabic language interview conducted by Iman Rauf that should put shivers up your spine as to what the world will look like if he gets his way: Islamic world domination, death and enslavement to anyone who gets in his way.

The interview was translated from Arabic to English by Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian terrorist who converted to Christianity and became a U.S. citizen. Essentially Rauf wants to use peaceful means including lobbying governments and establishing charities to incrementally implement the principles of Sharia law worldwide so once the stranglehold is established, potentially enacting Sharia-ordered decapitation and stoning of ‘infidels’ (any non-Muslims)

READ FOR YOURSELF What Ground Zero Mosque Iman Says:. . ."

Anonymous said...

And the debt freedom loving people owe Robert Spencer just keeps growing and growing like the national debt. What a great hero.