Thursday, August 12, 2010

Saudi Cleric: Desire to Shed Blood, Smash Skulls, and Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah is an Honor for Muslims

This is the Religion of Peace.

This Imam, Muhammed al-Arifi, is highly respected in Saudi socieity. He is a Saudi theologian. He has served as Imam of the Mosque of the academy "King Fahd of Saudi Navy. He Is a student of ibn Baaz. His books are very famous among Muslims in general.

He is not, in any way, shape, or form, a marginal Muslim leader. He is the real deal, and this is the truth about Islam.

Muhammed al-Arifi, by the way, is the same Muslim cleric who appeared on TV just a couple years ago, advising men how to beat their wives.

Islam is completely anathema to the Western world. The more Muslims we allow into the Western world, the more the Western world will become like the lands of Islam; like Saudi Arabia.


Alexander Münch said...

I don’t know why, but whenever I see a pair of eyes looking at me through the holes of a Balaklava ( or a Ski Mask if you wish ),
I’m compelled by a sudden and uncontrolled urge to “drill” a third hole in between !
I realized, that I have a very serious problem after visiting my best friend in Hospital who suffered from 90% skin burns !…

Anonymous said...

im using this. great juxtaposition pastorius. its a terrible jarring painful post but it exposes the lie that is barak obama

Pastorius said...

Was your friend the victim of a suicide bombing?

Alexander Münch said...

No, Pasto !

His Tank was hit by a "Sager" in Sinai Yom Kipur 1973.
