Tuesday, August 03, 2010

From the Orange County Examiner:

Obama's Mama-Stanley Ann Durham
WND.com is reporting the records regarding Stanley Ann Durham (Obama’s Mama) from a Freedom of Information request are missing from the State Department despite their claim to have all passport records from 1925-to date on file.

Barrack Obama is systematically erasing his parents and grandparents history. Just a few months ago the media was reporting that the FBI has destroyed Obama’s communist maternal grandfathers, Stanley Durham’s, FBI file. “Gramps” was a devout Marxist communist and was suspected of stealing TOP SECRET plans for a new American Bomber to the Soviets. Obama’s grandfather’s FBI filed destroyed.

This is not the first time that Obama’s family passport information has been deleted and manipulated and brought to the attention of Americans. During the campaign Obama’s records were breached and supposedly deleted. As a ruse Clinton’s and McCain’s records were also accessed. The suspect involved who was acting as Federal informant was found brutally murdered in a remote DC alley.

Obama’s passport records tampered with during the election. Suspect and federal witness found murdered gangland style in a D.C. alley.

Obama’s hiding something big on his long form passport and I suspect his mothers pre-1965 records could foreshadow what’s been hidden on his Certificate of Live Birth besides the Doctor who delivered him.  Some new and interesting things come to light from Obama’s Mama’s passport information that wasn’t destroyed.
1.) She gives two separate marriage dates and locations to Soetoro. Dunham listed both March 15, 1965, in Molokai, Hawaii, and March 5, 1964, in Maui, Hawaii, as the dates and places of her marriage.

2.) A new alias for Barry surfaces, Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarka.) This was oddly crossed off in the 1968 application.


Anonymous said...


it would be really nice to know what the presidents REAL name is.....

its actually comical, like a monty python skit with unbeleivable evidence that obama is a marxist and everyone formative to his life were communists, stacking up,

but the meme goes forward with everyone in denial.

Pastorius said...

Yes, it's like a Monty Python skit that's not funny.

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later, the truth will come out, and everyone involved needs to be tried for treason, then apon conviction executed. Period.

That is, if the US is not a Marxist police state by then.