The MTA has recognized the justice of our position in our lawsuit, and has agreed to run our ad as originally submitted. This is a great victory for freedom of speech, and we are grateful to our attorneys David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise for mounting such an effective defense against politically correct censorship.
On Friday I filed a lawsuit against the MTA (go here), SIOA Lawsuit against NYC: Bloomberg's MTA Refuses to Allow 911 Images: Bans Ground Zero Bus Campaign
Today, the MTA caved and the original ad will run. Not the revised images, the true image.
What a great ad.
"Why here?"
Right to the point. What else needs to be said?
Today, the MTA caved and the original ad will run.
Not the revised images, the true image.!
Of course Pasto ! This one :-
"You don't have to believe in god to be a moral or ethical person"
Go Pamela! Yes, RRA, Yasmin and her male property owner have started a fucking avalanche!
We are rolling!
A salute to Pamela for facing the opposition ( I was going to say -enemy) and continuing the fight!!!
Good, and Death to Political Correctness!
A Gay Bar To Open Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men”
Thanks for letting us know about that. Greg Gutfeld of Fox New's "Red Eye," really does sound like he has guts. I can just imagine how enraged Jihadists will react to a gay bar opening up next to their new shrine of conquest, that is, if he is able to pull it off.
the MTA caved and the original ad will run. Not the revised images, the true image.
Well, well, well. I have to say that I'm pleasantly shocked.
These little victories matter a lot!
Between the SIOA ad victory and Andy Sullivan's announcement of the Hard Hat pledge, it was a damn good day! What's up today? Raheel Raza from the Muslim Canadian Congress follows up her Ottawa Citizen op-ed by again flogging the 9/11 victory mosque gang like rented camels on O'Reilly. Already up at Weasel Zippers, soon appearing everywhere.
WC and I will be interviewing Andy Sullivan after your interview this Friday. How 'bout that?
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