Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why The Fuck Do Muslims Need Another Fucking Mosque In New York City Anyway?

 From American Rose:

Places of Pisslamic Warship in NYC


Jewish synagogues in NYC:


There are actually 77 synagogues, but this has been three centuries in the making! Compare that to over 100 pisslamic places of warship in two decades!

mooslem population of NYC:


Jewish population of NYC:



If the larger Jewish population in NYC can worship with 77 synagogues, why does the smaller (albeit, not for long) moooslem population have to have more than 100 places of warship already?

Somewhere, I forget where, someone brought up the fact that the Ground Zero neighborhood isn't even a moooslem neighborhood, so why the need for a pisslamic place of warship there?


Total said...

Because Muslims are so active in trading stocks on Wallstreet and also occupy other high income jobs in that area./sarc

American Rose said...

Go Pasto!

Their aggressivity in opening so many pisslamic places of warship in NYC for such a small population definitely is worth questioning.

Thank you.

And I'm loving your cockiness as of late!

Anonymous said...

"Places of warship" . . .awesome parody! I am so stealing that!

As to your question, "If the larger Jewish population in NYC can worship with 77 synagogues, why does the smaller (albeit, not for long) moooslem population have to have more than 100 places of warship already?"

Seems the WON is determined to build bridges with the Muslim ME and Senator john Kerry is introducing a three-year pilot program to draw such workers from 4-7 Muslim-majority countries to be picked by the US State Department.

Now all these Muslim specific workers will need warship space - right?

American Rose said...


It's yours! I refuse to use their words, cringe when I hear people say things like "jihad." I encourage the use of the more accurate and correct English word: "holy war." The more we use their words, the more they become part of the American lexicon. Been wanting to write an essay on it for some time, but I never gots the time! Soon, hopefully!

Always On Watch said...

I'm stealing that graphic!

revereridesagain said...

Over at JihadWatch dumbledores army posted the link to this 2006 post about mosques at pedestrian infidel: http://pedestrianinfidel.blogspot.com/2006/02/inside-the-forbidden-fortress.html

More first-hand accounts of what actually goes on in mosques would be invaluable at this point.

Always On Watch said...

Thanks for that link. I'm going to use over the weekend, I think.

Anonymous said...

Build a masjid. Need to build so that more more people pray Allah and see the beautiy of Islam. Muslims did not cause havoc that it was the devil. We need more Masjids to keep the devil away!