Sunday, August 15, 2010

A question for all the Eurotopians...

I have a question for all those lovely people in Europe who wish to allow, no, demand that Turkey be admitted into the European Economic Disaster:

Do  you really want a nation nestled in your borders who has no problem  gassing the people living within ITS borders?  Take some time to think about it.

Especially you, Germany.

H/T: Carl in Jerusalem


Damien said...

Jewel -The Testy Infidel,

I think I read or heard somewhere that one of the requirements for being let into the EU, is abolishing the death penalty. So how could Turkey be let into the EU, if they don't have a problem with gassing their own people, unless they ignored that?

Mother Effingby said...

Reality be damned, full speed ahead. Why the rush to commit suicide? I have no idea what passes for intelligence in the minds of the intellectual ruling classes. All I know, is that if Europe is to survive, its people must overthrow, violently, the apparatchiks who misrule them, and disgorge all the murderous sons of Allah. It will be a long and bloody war.
Or it won't. Europeans are a largely unarmed people, so it will be a long and bloody peace.

Damien said...

Jewel -The Testy Infidel,

No, than it will be a slaughter, and it will be the non Muslims Europeans who get slaughtered. I hope it doesn't come to that. I also hope Geert Wilders is able to win court case and get reelected. He might be able to turn things around. Or if he is convicted maybe it will generate the rage necessary to get the leadership to change over there.

Mother Effingby said...

Exactly, Damien. For so long, the natural right to self-defense has been bred out of most Europeans. They have hand-wringing guilt whenever they point out the truth. Political correctness has gone to its final form and is manifest in the self-loathing of the Europeans. It will be a slaughter, and that is cause for concern, and sorrow.
Fie on anyone who wants us to be like the Europeans.

Damien said...

Jewel -The Testy Infidel,

Another problem with Europe is that they have never really had some of the things that the United States has. As far as I know, no European nation has a part of their constitution that specifically denies the government the right to censor speach just because it doesn't like it.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys.
I have never been in favor for bringing in Turkey in to anything European and the sooner they kick them out of Nato the better all the defencive plans of Nato go directly to Iran !

Pastorius said...

"Especially you, Germany."


Very good.