Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Jihad Watch:

When did it become illegal to burn the Qur'an? Sharia Alert from East Lansing, Michigan: "$10,000 Reward In Koran Burning Case," from, September 15:
The East Lansing Police Department is seeking the publics [sic] help to find who is responsible for burning and desecrating a Koran. The incident happened on September 11. It was found at the front door of the Islamic Center of East Lansing. The department is offering $10,000 for any information that would lead to the identification and prosecution of those responsible for this act.
Those with information are asked to call Det. Sherief Fadly at 517-319-6814.
Is Detective Sherief Fadly more interested in enforcing American law, or Sharia? Does he know that Americans have a right to freedom of expression, including that which others find obnoxious or offensive?


Infidel Task Force said...

all of us should call and ask him that question....the most they can get that person on is littering. I would give the burner a reward.

Jason Pappas said...

Still, leaving it anonymously at the Center's front door isn't right.

Now, if it were the town square and one had a fire permit ... that's kosher.

Anonymous said...

it is illegal in many western countries.. in Australia you will get 2 years hard time in prison for criticizing Islam, revealing any truth about it or even reading the Koran in public... and you wont be able to present your evidence in court.. you will not be allowed to read out of the Koran in court.. as evidence what you were arrested for reading in public.. because that is considered insulting Islam.

better get use'd to it.. say bye ..bye the the 1st amendment. we are already living under Sharia Law.

Toaster 802 said...

better get use'd to it.. say bye ..bye the the 1st amendment.

Like hell I will.

This Novenber is more about just throwing the frauds inn office out on thier asses. It will and needs to be about removing those who would do the Anti-American bidding of treasonous toads. Autocrats, cops, judges, lawyers. All of them.

Anonymous said...

@ Toaster "It will and needs to be about removing those who would do the Anti-American bidding of treasonous toads. Autocrats, cops, judges, lawyers. All of them."

In post-WWII Europe they were known as 'quislings', and tended to be found strung up from lamp-posts with piano wire.

christian soldier said...

Ahh Michigan-you have gone from union thugs to muslim thugs--
no wonder Detroit - the form 'Parlor City' is being bull-dozed because of blight!!
The rest of the US-beware!!!!

Damien said...


Personally I think this is a waste of money. I don't care what book the guy burned. Unless it wasn't his property, he had a right to do so, but even than, a $10,000 reward for capturing a guy who desecrated a holy book that there are literally thousands upon thousands of copies of around the world? Is this something that the police really think is worth that much money? Even if the guy stole, and than destroyed someone elses Koran, couldn't it they spend that money on something more important? Would it really be worth that much money, when they are much more dangerous criminals on the loose?

We could debate weather or not its a good idea to burn a Koran, or any other book as a form of protest, but weather or not its a good idea, says nothing about weather or not one has a right to do it.

Brooke said...

Who the hell are they to say who can do what with their property?!?

I'll bet for damn sure if it were A Bible or American fla EL could care less.

Always On Watch said...

So, we see enforcement of shari'a here in the States.

We Americans used to be so smug about Eurabia.

Well, Amerirabia is upon us.

Our rights as Americans are being eroded little by little. At what point will the tip-over come?

Always On Watch said...

Boiling the frog!

Anonymous said...

we will never get anything done till we end corporate campaign contributions.. formerly known as ..BRIBES.

All the Arab ass kissing is about oil ='s it's all about shit loads of money.. that money buys our elected officials.. there are good politicians, but they can not compete if they don't take the money to compete.. in the process they become the problem.. only we can end this ..they cant.

Christine said...

I guarantee that if that had been a burning bible or Torah, it would have been just tossed in the trash bin.

Michigan, it was good to know you. So sorry you are biting the dust.

Please keep your dust on your side of the puddle.