Saturday, July 16, 2011

France: Senegal funds Marseille's mosque

President Abdoulaye Wade has provided more than 32 million CFA francs (€ 50,000) as a contribution to the construction of the Great Mosque of Marseilles whose project is 75 years old.
The check’s presentation took place in the framework of the France-Africa summit, that was held recently in Nice on the Riviera and several Senegalese authorities attended the ceremony.


Epaminondas said...

Senegal HAS GOT TO BE one of the poorest nations on earth, no?

Where is the dough coming from?


Damien said...


That maybe true, but that doesn't mean that no one in Senegal is worthy, or that their government doesn't have the money. Also, if its an Islamic theocracy, they may not have the best priorities when it comes to spending what little money they do have.

Ciccio said...

Most of Senegal's money comes from foreign aid, France being the biggest contributor. Half their population is unemployed, 60% illiterate. This is a sick joke, if there was a single pair of balls in the entire French assembly they would move to cut all aid since it appears they don't need it anymore.

Claudia said...

This is a sick joke, if there was a single pair of balls in the entire French assembly they would move to cut all aid since it appears they don't need it anymore.

Ciccio, I agree completely...