Monday, July 18, 2011


Egyptian Professor Muhammad Galaa Idris Reviews "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion": The Jews Are Trying to Take Over the World


Alexander Münch said...

Full Transcript :-

Have the Arabs read The Prtocols of the Elders of Zion?
And what have they been doing about it?
These protocols are now being implemented, day and night.
To this very moment, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is controvertial.
Some people claim that it was fabricated by the Russian intelligence, while others swear that it is the evil fruit of the thinking of the Jews.
This title relates to a conspiracy hatched by the Zionist financiers, in order to destroy Chrisian and Islamic countries alike and to establish a global Jewish government.
- So this is a group of texts dealing with taking over the world. -Right.
This being the case, should we consider these protocols to be the minutes of meetings, or are they reports or resolutions?
They are the minutes of meetings in which a certain plan was discussed - what has already been carried out, what has to be carried out, and what means are necessary in order to complete the plot.
When (Sergei Nilus) read these protocols, he prophesized four things, and all four were fulfilled.
The first prophecy was decline of the great kingdoms that existed at that time.
"The British Empire on which the sun never sets" - reached an end.
"The Ottoman Caliphate reached an end ...
That was the first thing that Sergei Nilus prophesized
when he read these documents.
The second prophecy was that a world war would be provoked.
This was in 1901, and World War I broke out eleven years later.
The third thing was the return of the Jews to Palestine.
In 1901, he prophesized the return of the Jews to Palestine,
and this came true later.
He also prophesized the establisment of Israel.
There are three main elements in this conspiracy. - What are they?
First of all, the Jews have an ancient secret plan, the goal of which is to take over the world in its entirety.
We've talked about it before.
Some people claim that what I say is mare fantasy... No, it's not!
The second element in the concpiracy is that the Jews are constantly trying to topple the govrnments in the world,
and to establish tyrannical governments.
The methode they employ is to entice the rulers to persecute the peoples, and then to incite the peoples against their rulers.
How does one destroy a certain country? There is a very simple methode:
I urge the ruler to act tyrannically and persecute his people, and then I begin to incite the peoples against the rulers.
When the two sides are fighting, the country will collapse.
It has been proven that most of the revolutions that led to the fall of any regimes worldwide - and first and formost, the French Revolution...
The Jews were behind them.
The third element is the spreading of the spirit of conflict between countries, using Masonic forums that we have talked about, and using all the means and methods coming from aboard, such as secularism, liberalism, and even some religious denominations.
I tell you, look who stands to benefit.
Let's assume that there is a conflict between Egypt and Lybia, and we begin to attack one another.
Where would we get arms from? From America.
Who are the arms merchants?
Who controls the arms indusry worldwide, not only in America?
The Jews.

Epaminondas said...

Forget it Alex, only today I changed the line on carousels which controls the height children have to be to get on.

I have sent this out by juufone. I think you are about 9th on the tree, so wait for the call tonight

Anonymous said...

He forgot to mention how the Jews are also responsible for global warming, asteroid impacts, bird/swine/prawn flu, peak oil and the eruptions of the Yellowstone caldera.

SamenoKami said...

This is old news. The Juice have been trying to control the world for 4K yrs.

Epaminondas said...



SamenoKami said...

My bad.