Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Obama's response to attack on US embassy in Damascus: He's going to file a lawsuit

IsraelMatzav, via Will at The Other News:
In an earlier post, Carl reported on attacks on the American and French embassies in Damascus by pro-Assad 'demonstrators.'

Carl has now have some updates on that post. The US State Department on Monday formally condemned Syria for failing to protect the US embassy complex in Damascus from a violent assault it said was encouraged by a pro-government Syrian television station.

"A television station that is heavily influenced by Syrian authorities encouraged this violent demonstration," a State Department spokesperson said in a statement." 

So what does the world's only superpower do? Send in the Marines to get the ambassador out and protect the embassy grounds? Not in the age of Obama. In the age of Obama the US threatens... to file a lawsuit.

"We strongly condemn the Syrian government's refusal to protect our embassy, and demand compensation for damages. We call on the Syrian government to fulfill its obligations to its own citizens as well," the statement said."We are calling in the Syrian charge [d'affaires] to complain," said the US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity."We feel they failed [in their responsibility to protect US diplomats]. We are going to condemn their slow response." 

Spoke on condition of anonymity? The Secretary of State hasn't got the junk to stand up there and say we're withdrawing our ambassador and instead a low-level functionary speaking on condition of anonymity is trotted out to threaten to summon the Syrian Charge d'Affaires?!?

What happened to Teddy Roosevelt's 'speak softly and carry a big stick'? It looks like it's been replaced by Jimmy Carter's helicopter crash in the desert. Is this how Reagan would have responded? Is this how Bush II would have responded? Of course not. We would have seen Shock and Awe on all of Assad's palaces. Instead, Obama is going to file a lawsuit demanding compensation. What could go wrong?

Read the full story here.

More here.

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