This morning, sunday we seem to be facing a progressive choir singing a single note.
‘The tea party are fascist, dictatorial, hezballoids, dedicated to undoing the founder’s intent and do not have the RIGHT to do what they are doing’
For instance….
Maureen Dowd, NYT:
The maniacal Tea Party freshmen are trying to burn down the House they were elected to serve in. It turns out they wanted to come inside to get a blueprint of the historic building to sabotage it.
Maria Cardona, CNN:
We have become victims of the Tyranny of 87. ..
The tyranny is coming from the 87 members of Congress from the tea party caucus, whose selfish and irresponsible demands during the debt ceiling negotiations may very well mean either outright default or what could be even worse and too late to avoid — the downgrade of the country’s gold standard AAA credit rating. What is worse, these 87 little tyrants have no clear understanding of the fallout of either scenario.
Nor is that all. The NYT which now moderates for ‘approval’ all comments presents a uniform set like these comment excerpts:
A week ago Friday it became clear that the Republican politicians were not interested in negotiations on the debt ceiling debate and broke off talks with the President
Approximately 78 tea party members (and their supporters in the republican party)were able to take the other congress members, the president and the majority of the people of the nation as hostages for their rigid and impractical ideology
Guess what? We are no longer have a real democracy. Elected representatives should represent the interests of their constituents, the “people” that voted the representative into office.
The tea partyers and their actions are proof that the American Constitution needs fundamental changes to make it a viable instrument of governing, especially in the 21st century where information revolution has empowered a lot of demagogues
First of all, the tea party’s REASON FOR EXISTENCE is the lack of adherence to the constitution by those who make a career out of bossing others about while getting checks from the federal govt, some of whom are doing far better than the rest of us. Perhaps they, in their ability to decide what is best have forgotten a few things?
Second, both parties have PROVEN historically, inarguably, and in fact they cannot manage the budget, the deficit or the debt, and are now afraid to even raise (save for some few brave souls like Ryan, Cantor, and McArthy…who are NOT Tea Party types, btw) the real issues which can SAVE THE REPUBLIC from it’s unsustainable set of promises.
Third, this prattling about the result of a Nov 2010 NATIONAL election mandate of HISTORIC PROPORTIONS cuts both ways. In an election which saw Tea Party like believers elected from South Carolina to Iowa and Kansas and across the nation, and REVERSE a sizable national majority of Democrats in Congress, there is meaning. THAT is the the national will. One day there will be a reversal controlled by ‘progressives’ and 80-100 of them will want to stand by the ideology they expressed whose principles the nation voted for.
The posters at the NYT are of a consonant meme to be sure, and the Times won’t allow any reasoned discussions that point this out. But the national single line coming out of the left today is what is extreme.
The national single line coming out of the left today is what is driving the partisan gap deeper and wider
The national single line coming out of the left today is what is PREVENTING discussion of the real issue, the UNSUSTAINABLE PROMISES MADE BY GOVT
The national single line coming out of the left today is what is PREVENTING discussion of what can help, GROWTH IN THE ECONOMY VIA MORE PEOPLE WORKING AT CHALLENGING, ENGAGING AND HIGH PAYING CAREERS.
We need some deal along the time length of what has been historical, SEVEN MONTHS.
We also need a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. But if that fails, should we blame the 13 states that reject the amendment for being terrorists, extremists, and holding to ransom the future of the nation?
Or should we roll up our sleeves and figure out how we can fit all of our beliefs into an amendment acceptable to enough states to get the amendment added to the Founding Document?
It is clear by how the progressives are framing what they are saying in such lock step monotone that they claim they are MOST interested in the personal welfare of the voters they feel owe them allegiance.
I am not sure that is the same thing as the welfare of the nation.
The unions which looked after the rights of the auto workers once had as their only concern the pay, and benefits (personal welfare) of their members.
We all know what happened.
1 comment:
Spot on, Epa!
I, too, have been watching the mainstream media this morning.
Their needle is stuck.
But that is not to say that they aren't delivering their message -- and in a blitz, too.
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