Friday, July 15, 2011

Republican Leadership is being tested RIGHT NOW

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats’ demand for tax increases.

“The American people are sold,” he said. “The problem is members of Congress are dug in ideologically.”

Obama said 80 percent of Americans are on his side in the debate over what to include in the debt package. Voters are paying attention to “who seems to be trying to get something done,” the president said. “It’s going to be in the interests of everybody who wants to serve in this town to make sure they are on the right side of that impression.”

80% of the people are sold on increased taxes on ANYONE ELSE, especially if they are told it’s people who have inherited their money (xlation …they were just born lucky, and deserve nothing), or are like the physicians who he accused of doing needless ‘tonsillectomies’.

Now, republican leadership must ensure that the american people UNDERSTAND what they are being told and why.

Mitch McConnell is not the man.

Eric Cantor MAY BE THE MAN.

But what about the candidates who think they have been called?

Can they effectively rebut this stupidity and demagoging designed to gull the american people to INCREASE THEIR OWN BURDEN IN THIS WAY SO OBAMA CAN KEEP ON SPENDING?

And benefit, who? HIS PALS AT GE WHO COLLECTED A CHECK FROM AMERICAN FOR $3.2 Billion dollars?

This is their test, and a test for american democracy.

“We don’t need a constitutional amendment to do our jobs,” he said, rejecting conservative calls for a balanced-budget amendment. “The constitution already tells us to do our jobs.”

Actually, you appear to need just that, a change to what you have personally labeled as an imperfect and flawed document. Only now, it’s your ox being gored, isn’t it?

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