Friday, July 08, 2011

Top Egyptian politician Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, Wafd Party leader calls Holocaust, 9/11 fabrications, adding Anne Frank's memoirs 'fake' 

We are dealing with children. The Muslim world is a world of children, whispering ghost stories to each other under blankets. Their ability to distinguish reality is no more sophisticated than that.

That we give them credence and treat them as adults is to our shame. If you were to see an adult speaking to children, asking their advice, doing business with them and expecting the children to honor their contracts, you would think the adult was insane, right?

Well, we are doing exactly that as a nation, and as a civilization.

From Will at The Other News:
The vice chairman of Egypt’s top secular party told the Washington Times in an interview last week that the September 11 terror attacks, the Holocaust and Anne Frank’s diary are all historical fabrications.“The Holocaust is a lie,” Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, Wafd Party leader told the Washington Times in Budapest where he was attending the Conference on Democracy and Human Rights. 

He went on to explain that it was factually impossible to claim that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews, saying “the Jews under German occupation were 2.4 million. So if they were all exterminated, where does the remaining 3.6 million come from?”

The Egyptian politician acknowledged that the Nazis may have killed “hundreds of thousands” of Jews, but discounted the plausibility of gas chambers and skinning Jews alive, calling them “fanciful stories”.

El-Arab’s Holocaust denial did not stop there, and the Egyptian politician went on to attack the authenticity of Anne Frank’s diary, the memoirs of a teenage girl who hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam, only to be discovered and die in a concentration camp.

The Wafd leader recalled studying the novel that is one of the most widely distributed publications to date as a doctoral student in Stockholm. “I could swear to God it’s a fake,” he said. “The girl was there, but the memoirs are a fake.”

El-Arab’s historical revision was not reserved for the Holocaust alone, and he also shared his theories on the September 11 attacks and their perpetrators with the Washington Times.

The Wafd leader denied that Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaida leader who was recently killed in an American raid on his compound in Pakistan, was behind the attacks.

“He could not have the know-how or the ability to do it,” El-Arab said, calling the dead al-Qaida leader “an American agent.”The Egyptian politician added “if he had the ability, one plane only landing on the Knesset would give more effect.”

El-Arab blamed the CIA, Israel’s Mossad and the “military-industrial complex”.Despite his Holocaust-denying views, it seems as though El-Arab’s overall opinion on the Jewish people is favorable, telling the Washington Time that he believes that there was once a Jewish temple in Jerusalem, entitling the Jews to a historical claim on Israel’s capital.“The Jews are there,” he said. “Good or bad, they are there.” However, he made sure to follow up with the clarification:  

“You cannot as a human being think of exterminating 6 million or 5 million or whatever. That’s crazy.”
Read the full story here.

1 comment:

Damien said...

“You cannot as a human being think of exterminating 6 million or 5 million or whatever. That’s crazy.”

Yes it is crazy, but its just as crazy to deny that it happened. regardless, thinking evil thoughts or having evil desires does not make one a non human.