Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yeah, That Oughta Fix Things

‘Newyorkustan’ Web Series Being Launched to Fight Muslim Stereotypes – (with video) 

From Will at The Other News:
Most depictions of Muslims on television are, to say the least, negative. Perhaps that is why Muslims, according to Gallup, are the most disliked religious group in America.But in New York City, a group of producers, writers and actors are fighting to change America’s impressions of Muslim Americans.  

But instead of holding a rally or a forum, they are producing a web series featuring the lives of Muslim Americans, called NEWYORKUSTAN.“
Read and see (Video) the full story here.

The name "Newyorkustan" doesn't exactly make me feel all touchy-feely about Muslims.

They might want to go back to the drawing board.


Epaminondas said...

Who is advising these guys?

The problem with a 'documentary' like this is that with a pencil eye view you get the impression that these three americans are the CASE and we have no way to know that. Likewise my own anecdotal experiences, because of what I do/have done and the locality I live in the muslims I am bound to meet are professors or researchers, many of who are here to ESCAPE what is there, or as citizens are as much a case as the progressive jewish profs in my congregation are to other americans. IOW - the whole lot is 3 sd's to one side of the bell curve. They have nothing in common with the somalians driving cabs in Lewiston Maine.

You cannot extrapolate.
When we have an undercover project undertaken in 100 mosques picked at random around the nation, along with subsequent interviews with anonymity, THEN we can begin to think about 'what american islam is like'.

Pastorius said...

Yes, exactly.

The reason I posted that photograph with this story is because the title "Newyorkoustan" hardly inspires confidence.

I guess I need to make that more obvious in the post.

Anonymous said...

The last guy who tried to leave Americans with a better impression of islam, cut off his widest head when she asked for a divorce.

It was called bridges tv, a cable network based out of orchard park new York

Anonymous said...

That should be wife but this stupid smart phone likes to change words on me

Epaminondas said...


Anonymous said...

Islam, like any good con man, spends an inordinate amount of time polishing its "image". But no time at all scrubbing its actual character.

Anonymous said...

no epa its just an HTC inspire, I was not to hot on it at first becuase it is so much bigger than my last cell phone, which was strictly a cell phone but its grown on me...

Pastorius said...

I have a Droid.

Stuff I don't like about my Smartphone,

1) It's too big
2) It's too fucking delicate
3) Batteries only last about an hour and a half of use
4) It is temperamental, sometimes switching off in the middle of a program, sometimes not wanting to access numbers, etc.

Things I like about my Smartphone,

1) I can read IBA and other blogs all day long, and I can even post to them, if I feel like going through all the bullshit required to make that happen (which will only happen on a major news day)
2) GPS Navigation (still looking for that avoid ghetto setting though)
3) apps make business easier
4) calendar (see above)
5) camera is almost as good as any camera I have ever owned
6) I can keep notes for my various fiction products while I am at work

Anonymous said...

yeah im wowed by some of the apps I have found to make life and business easier too.

and I also hate the total lack of staying power of the batteries.