Sunday, November 06, 2011


As one whose spouse is wheelchair bound, I find the following action by the Occupiers disgusting (hat tip to Conservative Hideout 2.0):

More information about the "Occupods" HERE at Conservative Hideout 2.0. As Matt points out:
In essence, is this not illegal restraint? They are blocking the doors, and not allowing people to leave. And, isn’t blocking the exits to a building illegal? What if there was a fire, or other emergency?...
And what about a non-emergency? Anyone who travels via the paratransit system we have here in the Washington, D.C. area and who misses the return ride home is trapped in such a situation. Miss the ride home, and you're stuck for hours, possibly overnight, where you are.

Today, Mr. AOW will be using his scooter, a machine that we cannot transport with our sedans, to travel today via the paratransit system. The Occupiers are forcing Mr. AOW and others using MetroAccess to consider whether or not to go on local outings because of the disruptive actions of Leftist loons? OUTRAGE!

Mr. AOW and I can only hope that nothing happens on his outing today, an outing planned and arranged over a week ago. He will be traveling alone, but after I do the grocery shopping, I'll be coming along later in my own car to assist Mr. AOW with his bathrooming. More worries today for both of us: that I might not be able to get inside to assist him or that he'll miss his paratransit ride back home!


Unknown said...

Yes i think security should be the reason to lock up all these 'occupiers'.One can have nothing but contempt for such people.I understand your concern so well, hope MR Aow has a trouble free day.

Zilla said...

It absolutely should be illegal (and for anyone else but those cretins it IS illegal) to block exits and hold people against their will. Unlawful imprisonment I think it's called.

I will offer a prayer that Mr. AOW is not inconvenienced or troubled in any way on his outing and that you two are safe and happy. (((hugs)))

Always On Watch said...

Will and Zilla,
Thank you.

Mr. AOW so rarely gets to go out and about. If today's trip is ruined, we're going to be beyond furious.

Brooke said...

YET ANOTHER reason to arrest these vagrants.

Anonymous said...

I like that lady. She is plenty smart.

Alexander Münch said...

I was shouting my "Mantra" 1000 times while watch the Video!

It starts with 'Eff' !....

DCBelleonWheels said...

I am the woman in the video. This is only a portion of what happened, and I can't tell you how grateful I am that others are seeing the truth of it all. Occupy DC is a threat to our city and our individual freedom of movement as people with disabilities. Mr. DCBOW (aka my husband) was none to thrilled when I called him at work to tell him what was going on. He couldn't even get near me himself to get me out. Thank you for helping this video go viral. If you'd like to contact me directly, feel free to email me at