Monday, September 23, 2013

Islam Is A Religion of Peace - Muslim Mall Massacre

This couple shot dead by the Muslim gunmen in the food court spent their last moments hugging each other. – Kenya mall massacre. Stop the madness. From Facebook


Anonymous said...

Western World-- wake up! The "moderate" Muslims in your midst would roll over in .5 seconds when the time comes that Muslims can force their way into power and Sharia Law. Wake Up! The different Muslim factions willingly slaughter EACH OTHER!

So, suck-up "multicultural" Liberal Western man, what do you think your fate's gonna be if Muslim extremism isn't stamped out soon, you ignorant infidel?!

Ciccio said...

It appears they chose as many as possible from western countries, perhaps as a show to the west of the dangers that threaten them.What sweet irony. The Canadian immigration officer processing Somali refugee claims was killed at the mall