Monday, September 23, 2013

Kenya Attack Raises Terror Concerns in USA

 The Muslims Are Restless

"This is something scary," Ali Soufan, a former FBI agent and terror expert, told ABC News. "I mean, if you think about individuals who went and fought in a place like Somalia and when they come back home, there's nothing good that can come of this... What we see today in Kenya could be easily copied here in the United States."
Earlier this month ABC News reported that intelligence and law enforcement officials said at any given moment, the FBI has under watch as many as 100 people in the U.S. suspected of being linked to or inspired by al Qaeda or its affiliates.
During Congressional testimony in January 2012, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper listed al-Shabaab as one of the most significant terror threats to the homeland, in part due to a "foreign fighter cadre that includes U.S. passport holders... [who] may have aspirations to attack inside the United States."


Anonymous said...

It's not very comforting to think that FBI has 100 under watch since that means there are a 1000 not under watch. Boston bombers anyone?

Pastorius said...

Exactly what I thought. That was a very sizable underestimate.

Christine said...

This has been my biggest fear for some time now.

At least some people are starting to talk about it.

I'm actually kinda shocked that it hasn't happened yet.

Pastorius said...

I actually just went on a rant about this very possibility in a comment about one week ago.

I have been expecting mall jihad attacks ever since 9/11.

It's just the obvious thing to do. Hit us where it hurts.

Christine said...

It wouldn't take more than a couple of these here to terrorize us.

Unlike a number of other countries, we have never had to deal with this type of terror.

Just a couple of random targets and people will totally freak out not knowing when the next one will happen.

I thin

Christine said...

Computer acted up.

I think people who have had to deal with this stuff are at an advantage.

Not that it's an advantage I would want. But at least they are not as gun shy as we are.

Pastorius said...

I would hope we would deal with it by stamping the shit out of their faces.

Christine said...

I would hope so too. None of that treating them like common criminal crap.

Anonymous said...

they are taking the long way home (these "american" jihadis but they are on their way. ive been saying a mall attack is inevitable for a long time. which is why my family doesnt christmas shop without me and I always bring my glock.

Charles Martel said...

I've already warned my daughter not to go to the mall on Friday evenings, holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. If an attack occurs it will be at those times to ensure maximum carnage.

As the Xmas season approaches we should be even more vigilant.

I'll never forget the first Xmas after 9/11. We were visiting the Xmas tree in the Ellipse. I had to kneel to fix my daughter's shoe. Before getting up I look around me and was surrounded by a multitude of winter coats in the semi darkness. A very primitive fear got hold of me, and against the will of the rest of the family I put an end to the evening outing.

I guess we are never fully aware of how vulnerable we truly are ...

Charles Martel said...

And the 100 figure is so ridiculous that is more than terrifying.

It has been acknowledged that the Iranian Republican Guard already has at least 50 people on the ground (that was months ago) and they were only needing the leaders for the final touch. That plus all the sleeping cells that are known to be in the US make it more than disturbing to realize how little they think of us that the publicize those figures ...
I would say it's more annoying than terrifying ...

Always On Watch said...

There are lots of Somalis in Minnesota. At least a few have gone to Africa to fight alongside Al-Shabaab.

Isn't the Mall of America still in business up there in Minnesota?

Epaminondas said...

Also Lewiston Maine, of all places.

If there is a mall attack here I predict some unconstitutional, Lincoln-FDR-esque solutions crop up, and that if there is a 2nd attack, these solutions are then CARRIED OUT.