Sunday, September 22, 2013

Obama at Navy Yard memorial: 'We can't accept this'

Go read it at the link if you want. I won't reprint the politicizing tripe here.

Suffice to say he doesn't mention Chicago, where the guns used were most certainly illegally obtained and owned, in which case none of the measures they want to push would have done anything to stop it anyway.

He doesn't mention that in D.C. the shooter used a shotgun (as recommended by his own Vice President!) and that the measures being pushed would not have stopped that either.

Nor does he mention the irony that if an AR type firearm HAD been used, SOME of the victims MAY have survived their wounds. A shotgun is far more devastating on it's target than a rifle. Don't believe me? Watch this video.

He doesn't mention in nearly all the cases the shootings occurred in one of the left's treasured gun free zones. EVEN ON A MILITRY BASE WHERE MILITARY PERSONNEL MUST BE UNARMED. Where free men and women are forced to live as sitting ducks or as felons, whichever they chose. And again, the irony, had someone at, say, Sandy Hook or Chicago or even the D.C. base returned fire and killed or wounded the shooter then THEY would have been liable to criminal federal felony prosecution.

About the only thing Obama got right is that we can't accept this. My solution for addressing American Gun Violence is far different than his, though. Less muss and fuss and far more conclusive.

So thugs punks dumbasses gangbangers and yes, even and especially you fucking piece of shit jihadis preying on innocents in the malls you better not miss with that first shot.

Because, motherfuckers, I may not be ten foot tall and bulletproof.

But I shoot back.


Unknown said...

I know it's Info War but they back it up :

Confirmed: Navy Yard Shooter Was On Anti-Depressant Trazodone.

Pastorius said...



Anonymous said...

The Democrats love their corpses of opportunity. It's political necrophilia.