Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Tea Party’s real problem - and it’s not Barack Obama

The ‘Tea Party’ made an impact with a stunning grass roots effort which demonstrated a pissed off populace (demo grouping? MAYBE) that floored both political parties. This was followed by a book by 2 nationally known pollsters who generally are considered to have represented opposite sides in terms of who employed them.
Yet after this, their force seemed to dissipate by 2012. And now, we have an icon of why reasonable people walk away from an effort which, by its organization under ‘political experts’, has certainly weakened for no good reason
Ron Paul wants to reform public education by eliminating public schools which are tools of the state and indoctrinate humans in to the beginning of the boiled frog state existence. How will kids get educated?
"Usually the mother"
Well the schools HAVE turned into re-education camps to a certain degree, which is extremely annoying and upsetting, but they remain EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.
Now the Tea Party, in my mind, came about over a VERY FEW ideas:
  1. That fiscally responsible govt is compulsory for this nation, or the result ultimately is that no one will have anything (like ORDER, jobs, and well being, or freedom you cannot personally defend as lack of order descends)
  2. Govt must adhere to the Constitution, and can NEVER seek ways around it which do not meet the qualifying means
  3. In most cases the govt does NOT know better than the people, what is best for them. MOST. NOT ALL.
These very few ideas are, frankly, enough to gut the entire progressive movement as it self identifies today
I assert that outside of this framework, there is no such thing as the tea party.
We went to a Tea Party meeting which came together on the grounds of the capitol buildings of this state in 2010. We found the John Birch Society, and people who were protesting the ingredients of frankfurters. Repeat this iconically with a few others and that was the ball game. I was involved in their on line forum for a while and found in addition to this, were, for instance, groups which concerned themselves, including ‘radio personalities’ over issues such as ‘certain groups’ diverting ‘american’ concerns and policies. They were wily enough to never name or identify by other subjective means who these groups were or even characterize specifically what these diversions were. Add in anti immigration. Not necessarily secure borders, ANTI IMMIGRATION.
Nationally it became COMMON to see the above numbered ideals then mixed with religious and social ideals as a demo group bracketing.
People then wonder why Americans who happen to be Jewish (consider the history of this ‘group’ over the last 2500 years, not the last 80) think the democratic party is the lesser evil.
I actually tried to assert the idea that the Tea Party should restrict its agenda to the numbered ideas above but a silence greeted this.
Okay. So then the result such people as:
Christine O’Donnell
Sharon Angle
Todd Akin
Richard Mourdock
These people are MORONIC FRUITCAKES, not flag carriers. And then we have the truly scary (because they are stupid) more than occasional statements from Bachmann (please don’t make me list them, and if they were slips, there were too many), and Sarah Palin’s lack of enough innate interest to have improved her historic and foreign policy knowledge since day 1. Sarah innately understands the tea party movement and needs, but simply does not have the right kinds of additional drives and knowledge to make it. These are disqualfiers for leadership.
Sorry those are the bitter truths, As bitter as the reality than in a very short time Barack Obama is going to be regarded as is James Buchanan.
The numbered ideas outlined above are those DEMOCRATS such as Hubert Humphrey, Henry Jackson, and Harry Truman COULD have supported. Where they could not on specific issues, such people would have PRACTICAL reasons why not.
Classic liberalism.
There is another in agreement with these ideals, and who rejected the social and religious involvement:
Barry Goldwater
The people ‘in’ the tea party movement are unknowingly expressing PRECISELY what fired up the good people of England and ignited a nation over for nearly a generation in the 15th century:
Add in the unsolvable factionalism of then AND NOW, and there is trouble brewing.
Too many of those who by function represent the leadership of this tea party movement ACCEPTED idiots running for office so long as they mouthed so called conservative or libertarian ideals.
Just think about what Ron Paul said LAST WEEK about 9/11, ON 9/11.
We’re supposed to believe that the perpretrators of 9/11 hated us for our freedom and goodness. In fact, the crime was blowback for decades of US intervention in the Middle East.
10 minutes in an Islamic forum demonstrates, if nothing else, the stupidity of such ideas, and the monumental arrogance of a self centered outlook. It’s NOT all about us.
No, the Tea Party by accepting people with the ‘spice’ of such crazy ideas, and who DO in FACT, associate with racists, threatens to ruin the flavor of the dish being served. It will gut itself. Plouffe, Axelrod et al will not have to say a word, because the majority of those who support the named ideas above, will dissolve away from these kinds of people, and the progressives will win, and take down everything.
This last idea of Paul’s with rgd to education takes the cake. Instead of a long march thru the institutions as the Bill Ayer’s crowd did, they want to abolish the institutions and expect to be taken seriously.
Is that the Tea Party?
Stick to the heart of the argument and win the govt and save the USA.
Abolish public education and let the mothers do it? AYFKM?


Anonymous said...

The problem with the concept of the Tea Party is regarding it as a "Party" in the traditional sense. There is nothing to be gained by trying to organize it with meet-up groups and rallies. Such events are high-jacked by loons as you note above.

"Tea party" is a mental attitude and a simple set of convictions with respect to government as you outlined at the start of your post.

You put it into practice by supporting, funding, and voting only for candidates that represent constitutional views. You stop the pattern of voting for the lesser of two evils. And you shed the idea that there is any single human being you can regard as a constitutional savior. There isn't.

If there is a conservative on the ballot I will vote for him or her, if not I won't vote for either. If there is an obnoxious Republican on the ballot (eg: Lindsey Graham) I will vote for the Democrat just to get rid of him. The Dem will hurt us less in the long run.

Anonymous said...


The tea party has had a hit / miss record at the polls. It will not be any other way. Getting the US back on track will not happen overnight. There have been a few poor candidates but why no mention of the successes? Even the bad ones have had some silver linings - O'Donnell ended the career of Mike Castle, we should be grateful for that.

The best impact that the tea party has had on national politics is showing us just how worthless and corrupt the Republican establishment is. It is now completely obvious to anyone paying attention that the Boner / McConnell axis is fundamentally allied with Obama and the Dems.

Anonymous said...

To finish:

The battle for America has to be won at the state level. Take back your state then defy the Feds. It is going to be a long hard struggle. It will take a Valley Forge mentality to prevail. But we owe our founders and the good men and women who gave us this nation every effort. And we have to be prepared to give it all.

PS: This is a great blog and the bloggers here are the best. You're part of the solution, keep up the good work!

Pastorius said...

I have always thought the Tea Party was built on an American ideal which has been distilled down to just a few words here in the 21st century:


I agree with your three points as well, Epa. But I think the above was actually the motivating factor behind the Tea Party revolt ... which is what it was, a revolt, not a Party, as Anonymous notes above.

I do believe that sense of revolt (revival?) could have been used by some leaders (like Sarah Palin) if they had had the brains and a similar vision.

But alas, that didn't happen.