Thursday, May 18, 2006

The falsity of premise in the main stream media

It is really getting sickening.

Is Racism Fueling the Immigration Debate?
Many Democrats say it is. But some respectable scholars say ethnicity should be considered in deciding who gets to be American

In other words ..according to this


-yes, but with a good excuse ..racism should be allowable under the name "ethnicity",

thus painting all opponents of criminal and illegal movement into this nation across our borders as racist, but infected with some kind of tolerable racism, all to resist the horrifying invasion of the alien hordes of another color ?


On May 10, the Washington Post ran a front-page story on a new census report that said 45% of the nation's children under the age of five are racial or ethnic minorities, and that the percentage is increasing primarily because the Hispanic population is growing so rapidly. If you read those facts carefully, you'd probably find them interesting, but not necessarily sufficient to draw any sweeping conclusions about the demographic and cultural future of the country.

If, however, you wanted to make a point about the dangers of illegal immigration, you might interpret the findings in your own particular way. On May 11, John Gibson of Fox News implored viewers to, "Do your duty. Make more babies... half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, the Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably the ones Hispanics call gabachos, white people, are having fewer."

John I hope you response directly, but that's something I won't do for you perfectly capable

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1 comment:

Kiddo said...

I caught Gibson's response to leftist blogs that have been slamming his comment and editing it to make it look like he was encouraging only whites. Boy, was he pissed! He just wants to not experience what Europe has experienced, which was his point. And his children-in-law are Hispanic as well (obviously) as his grand-children. So being mis-quoted (I guess there are some anti-FOX and anti-Gibson blogs, who knew?) really pissed him off. His response was hilarious.