Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How I Became A Counter-Jihadi: IBA Blogger D.S. Says He Is Preparing Himself To Leave Denmark

D.S., our contributor from Denmark, sent over his response to my request that our bloggers tell us the story of what converted them to the Counter-Jihad. Here's his story:

I'm a 20-year-old student. I live in Denmark and managed to stay out of much trouble though I live in a low social ghetto, with many muslims (there has been stabbing, shootings, and even al quada connections). I've jewish origins, and I've learned to be very silent about that. There is lot of hidden anti-semitism in Denmark, many (especially low educated) people have ideas that jews might have same rights as them but still are something alien and actually a very repulsive group.

The direct anti-semitism in Denmark is now transformed to direct anti-Zionism / anti-Israel today. With my background I've learned to be very aware of this anti- semitism, and as I learned more about history and met different kinds of people I've done some shocking discoveries of how dangerous it is to even just having jewish origins.

When I was younger than 17-18 I didn't think much of politics and didn't understood much of what was going on. I was pro-Israel and pro-USA because of my parents, but it was when I was about 18, a big revolution happened for me and I began to understand the world and world politics (and psychology too). As I gained information and history I began to fight my anti-Israeli teachers. But real islamofascism here in Europe is something I first really began to fight and understand when I was about 19.

In the time before that I tried to catch up with as much history I could about Israel, nazi germany, arab history and also learned much about human psychology and tried to understand the (anti-western, submissive) arab mind as well as western europeans.

So I've never really been anti-Israel or anti-USA because of my background. However, I've often been very confused and questioning myself, if I'm just a mislead idiot, because of the massive anti- Israel and anti-USA propaganda from media.

It saddens me how Europe is turning towards anti-semitism again. As matter of fact, some few days ago I got roused as I viewed a documentary about Robert Cappa. His photos from Israel held so much power that I just got holocaust and Israel linked so much together than no way before in my mind. It really make me realize that I need to do something, and do something now. Not just sit and write articles/columns/blogposts, no I have to form or join (Danish) zionist organizations and fight for the right of Israel, for the right of free speech, for the right of jews being able to live without fear or restrictions in Europe. I'll fight this new nazism as much as I can. I will no longer accept that the world is like this.

My family name is listed in distributed nazi archives as jewish (today listed on certain websites). I know the danger, and I'm preparing to leave when it's too dangerous and limited to live here (as an open-minded person and with jewish origins).

However, in the meanwhile I'll fight this anti-semitism, islamofascism and basically new nazism as much as I can here in Denmark.


Kiddo said...

Wow, that is frightening how your family name is listed in available documents. I understand your desire to flee, and have heard this stated by many in Europe, and ones with no Jewish heritage. I can't even imagine how frightening that must be.

Epaminondas said...

So's mine.

Give'em hell, DS

Dag said...

DS, I went to Israel by chance for a few weeks, and by chance I stayed for two years. I'm not Jewish, didn't speak Hebrew, had no reason to be there, and eventually tried to join Ha Zahal just because.

I had a Danish/Israeli girlfriend who taught me Hebrew to the extent I can speak it. I'd return tomorrow if I had anything useful to do there. If I were young enough I'd go to work on a kibbutz. You have a right to do all the things I begged to do. You have a reason, and you have a chance.

If there were a job for me in Israel I would take it and support you till you were able to be on your own. Others there will take my place now. You can go, friend.

Dag said...

I'll write above with some info for you.