Sunday, May 07, 2006

I have to ask. Do we have COMPETENT Intelligence in the USA?

aqkhan.jpgThe 2003 'finding the WMD will be a slam dunk' debacle is only the latest international piece of incompetence we have had shoved in our faces here.

With the resignation of Porter Goss (whether that was for an underling in strip poker, prostitutes, nearby, or sheer negligence by making a horrific situation worse) the completely rotten core of politicized, in the box, hidebound, satellite photo, desk analysis, conventionalized, bureaucratized, risk averse, careerist, semi arabist, non freedoms oriented, paleo thinking, archeological waste of Niagara’s of money has been exposed.

We knew from Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s statement in 1965 that if the Pakistanis thought India had nukes, they would ‘eat grass’ to achieve the same result. I guess that statement of intentionsa was not taken seriously. Yet not only were they completely blind sided by AQ Khan, but shocked to their core by the facts uncovered when the Italians seized a German ship in 2003 demonstrating a worldwide effort, involving Switzerland, South Africa, Maylasia, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, Germans, Seybold, SCOPE, on and on, which lead to Libya’s heretofore totally secret program being exposed. Who else was Khan dealing with? The depositions said Iran.

The CIA failed on intentions, and failed on measuring capability.

Is there anything else in any event to fail on?

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