Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Coming Liberal Utopia?

From The Gathering Storm

What is it with lefty liberals?

In my discussions with my liberal friends, the most important issue facing us today is not the global threat of Islamism but a host of issues that pale in comparison to the Islamist agenda. In my discussions with them they continuously present as their top threats to our security as:

· Global warming
· Corporations
· Gay rights
· The poor
· Political cronyism
· The Religious Right

Terrorism is hardly mentioned except in the context that by fighting terror we create more terrorists. Now a report from The Oxford Research Group - a UK think-tank - urges US and Britain to rethink security policies to counter future instability.

The report states that the US-led “war on terror” is increasing the risk of terrorist attacks and distracting governments from greater threats to global security. Instead of terrorism, the report cited climate change; competition over resources; socio-economic marginalization and global militarization as the main threats to peace and the likely causes of future conflict.

“The war on terror is a dangerous diversion and prevents the international community from responding effectively to the most likely causes of future conflict,” a press statement about the report said.

There you have it. The leftist liberal view of the world. Future conflicts will arise due to global warming, the have and the have-nots, socio-economic inequities, and of course, any country that needs to defend itself against its enemies. Look at the list of liberal priorities above and compare them to critical security threats that the report mentions. But the biggest crime they commit is the belief that our attempts at defeating both terrorism and the roots of terrorism are a ‘diversion’ and in that attempt of self-defense, we create more terrorists.

But let’s indulge the liberal fantasy for a moment. What would happen if we did focus entirely on the critical threats to our security as outlined in the Oxford Study and ignored the global ideological threat of Islamism? What would happen to all those ‘critical security threats’ if the Islamists won?

Here’s the answer right out of today’s news. From the TimesOnline.
“No music, no dancing, no football as Muslim law takes over from reign of the warlords” From DhimmiWatch.“The restoration of some semblance of order in Somalia has come at a price. The Sharia courts have closed cinemas accused of showing immoral films and made celebrating New Year a capital offence. A boy was recently allowed to stab his father’s killer to death in front of a cheering crowd. At Mogadishu’s Peace Hotel weddings used to finish with hundreds of people dancing in the car park, but no longer. “The Islamic courts have told us there can be no pop music,” says a waiter. “It’s very sad. We all hope that things are not going to be like Afghanistan.”...”

This is but a taste of life under Islamic rule. Let’s go further. The lefties will not have to worry about excessive corporate profits and the supposed control of the world by corporations. There will be very little business to conduct. No entertainment industry (lefty Hollywood won’t be making movies unless they’re ones of the life of the Prophet and his teachings – and they’ll be beheaded or stoned if they continue with their serial divorces and out of wedlock babies). The fashion industry will go out of business (Burqas will be the hit of the day, year, century, millennium and turbans and robes will be the GQ look for men).

There’ll be no need for personal care like cosmetics for women or shaving gear for men. No art or plays will be allowed. Very little technology will be allowed due to it being the devil’s work that can spared impure thoughts like ‘freedom’. There will be no need for alternative energy sources. There will be few business and little employment – but gas will be 20 cents a gallon. No problems with political cronyism or scandals. What’s good for the Caliphate is good for America. And gays will be executed and the poor will be happy being poor because their belief in the prophet will earn them their reward in the afterlife.

But the global warming problem would be solved.

Ah! Utopia!

Read it all at The Gathering Storm


Anonymous said...

I thought the number 1 issue facing liberals was comfortable sandals.

Pastorius said...

Welcome, WC. It good to have you here. This is a great post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Pastorius. I'll try and keep it pithy.