Monday, June 05, 2006

A fastidious reluctance to enter into the sphere of religion

Has Great Britain imploded morally?

Today, a day after the arrests of a team of murderers who shared around their religion the living breathing application of 9:29 in the political realm, a day after their plot to kill 100's or 1000's via sarin nerve gas is uncovered, the BBC hosts a photo memorial to a dictatorial racist. A man who took his nation into misogyny unparalled at the time (but since copied), into the time machine of islam, into worse than the savak, the basij and pasdaran.

The BBC is a pathetic vestigial remains of those who stood for freedom in that land.

Britain is a land today that would rather blame america for being forced to face the unpleasantness of murderers within and without, than face the murderers. Britain today is a place that would rather lower the flag, than chance upsetting those who support the murderers.

Except it seems, for Melanie.

Continue reading "Across Europe, Canada, and NY Today" at Villager's with Torches »


Anonymous said...

I think link regarding England's dhimmitude in lowering the flag of the Cross of Saint George should be,7340,L-3258613,00.html

rather than,7340,L-3258613,00.html

which seems to have expired.

Epaminondas said...

link should be okay now...I can't spell