Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Infidel Hunk of the Week

I have searched and searched my mind for an appropriate hunk to go along with the early 80s Phoebe Cates Babe, and I can't think of a thing in terms of guys I liked at that time that wouldn't earn me some BIG laughs nowadays. So unless you guys want to see some stunning shots of Duran Duran in their early days, I thought of another connection. While you guys were enjoying that topless scene, I was (other than being too young to see it "Fast Times") still out in the woods playing Star Wars with my friends. Oh yeah, I had all of the action figures. The one thing I didn't count on was that George Lucas would ever make the "prequels", and after seeing them that I'd ever like them. But the "Revenge of the Sith" has grown on me, I'll admit, and so has Hayden Christensen's performance as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. In the second movie, he was like a prepubescent little brat who couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. He's still not the greatest actor in the world, but OH the surprise of how gorgeous he become by the final film! Hot Damn, who ever thought that Darth Vader would have been THIS hot (before he caught on fire literally, that is)! I never could have dreamed of such a brooding babe after seeing the 2nd film in this series, and with that great body too....and this is all about eye candy and we Infidel Babes being able to lust freely after men all we want, after all. I know he's a bit young, but at this rate he'll be one of the hottest stars out there. And fulfilling my early 80s dreams (OK, so they weren't sexual, I was 7) in ways I never thought possible. I'll get back to the "more mature men" next week. But this week, it's brooding, shirtless Hayden as tortured, brooding Anakin.


AtlasShrugs.com said...

Cause she's lovin him with that body, I just know it!
And he's holding her in his arms late late at night

Never thought I'd look back fondly at that ditty.

Pastorius said...

I wish that I had Jessie's girl.
Where can I find a woman like that?