Saturday, June 03, 2006

Unbelievably funny - greenies must oppose immigration

Migration ‘harmful’ to Earth
THE growing number of people who migrated from developing countries to over-populated Western states in search of a better life was damaging the planet and could be avoided, a think-tank said today.

Governments and aid agencies should encourage families to stay put by tackling environmental degradation, such as the spread of deserts, that forces many to leave, rather than promote migration, the Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a British group that campaigns for a sustainable population, said.

Parts of the planet that have been damaged by climate change, soil erosion and water shortages merely deteriorated further once their inhabitants fled.

In addition, migrants typically increased their ecological footprint – the damage each person inflicts on the environment – by moving from low to high-consuming countries.

The ecological footprint of someone from Bangladesh increases sixteen-fold if he or she emigrated to the US, while that of a Somali citizen rises more than thirteen-times when he or she migrated to Britain.

The push factors behind migration could only be solved by reducing the impact of consumption and population in richer countries and supporting environmentally sustainable development in poorer nations, the OPT said.

OPT patron Professor Aubrey Manning said Britain was morally obliged to accept some migrants “but we need immigration like we need a hole in the head”.



1 comment:

Epaminondas said...

Fabulous... some greenies must have had a 'mexican' or 'moroccan' (use of name for perjorative sarcasm) or some other person seen as not erudite enough move into the neighborhood. Maybe it was an engineer from Georgia-Pacific Paper and Wood Products.

This is a fantastic piece of hippocracy !