Sunday, November 12, 2006

And 4 days after Rummy is fired....

Army report finds training alone can't fix Iraqis' discipline problems or...

How do you infuse 200 years of what democracy really is, in 6 months, AND demote sharia?

WASHINGTON — More than three years into the post-Saddam Hussein era, the Iraq army still confronts endemic discipline problems.

A report by the U.S. Army found Iraqi troops have been hampered by corruption, poor skills and insufficient discipline. The report, written by a former U.S. adviser, said Iraqi troops often conduct revenge attacks on civilians after insurgency strikes.


"The 'burst reaction' may be attributed to Iraqis experiencing denial, anger and grief all at the same time," Lt. Col. Carl Grunow wrote in a report published in Military Review, a bimonthly publication of the U.S. Army's Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Grunow said Iraqi soldiers overreact to insurgency fire. A former adviser to an Iraq army armored brigade, Grunow said soldiers often fire all of their ammunition in response to a single sniper shot.

Iraqi troops, usually unsupervised, often attack civilians after military units sustain casualties. Grunow said up to 40 percent of some Iraqi units have fled battle, without incurring a penalty.

So? What's the plan Stan? Oh by the way, you also forgot to add that they are demoralized since Maliki has aligned himself with Moqtadr Al Sadr, and is doing nothing to weaken tribal and religious murders and kidnappings, thinking the Americans will leave, and he'll be with the winners of this incipient civil war.

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sally said...

hello... i just found this blog while doing a blog jump and it sort of made me sad...

anyway. im sorry you hate the people of my religion so much and think so little of our prophet.

I hope one day everything will be better for you and your people and you will no longer be terrorized by muslims.

i hope you will stop hating so much too.

sometimes i wonder why God made religions...


be happy. good bye.

Pastorius said...

We only hate those who support the following

1) stoning of gays, apostates and adulterers

2) enshrouding women in burqas and disallowing them to make basic choices for themselves such as who to marry and whether to get an education

3) violent Jihad against the infidel and jew

4) the imposition of strict, medieval Sharia law in nations across the world

Do you suppost those things? If not, then we have no problem with you.

Epaminondas said...

Funny how when you quote the quran and it's leading interpreters, it comes across as hate.

Sort of like looking in the mirror, and seeing someone else.

To me hate would, 'I want to kill you'...NOT 'I recognize you keep talking abut killing me, and I dislike it'.

Naieve young lady

Epaminondas said...

Pasto- yes indeed. if WE MAKE WAR.

That is not what we are doing

Jason Pappas said...


Agreed, that's not what we are doing. I only wish more people realized this.