Religion of Pieces sent this in with the comment, "More amazing anti-dhimmitude from the Guardian."
Yes, this is amazing indeed:
There is no other country in the Western alliance that now faces such a determined challenge from within its own borders, from men and women who were born here and are now possessed by a pathological strain of Islam whose only purpose and chief expression is united in mass homicide. This death cult is as alien to British culture as Mayan sacrifice, but it is something we have to deal with and liberals must accept that there is no other sensible account of how things stand.
Admittedly, after that paragraph they throw in the requisite Bush-bashing, but then there is this:
... it is difficult to deny that the threat posed by someone like Dhiren Barot, who was sentenced to 40 years last week for horrific plans to maim and kill his fellow citizens. He was caught through excellent intelligence work which may have drawn on interviews at Guantanamo and may at a distant remove have involved coercive interrogation, if not outright torture. Where does that leave the liberal? Would we each rather be party, however remotely, to torture and so save Britons travelling to work from another 7 July or do we stick to our principles and forgo the crucial intelligence?
And this:
The Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, couldn't have been more bald about the Muslim community last week. 'Their complaint often boils down to the position that it is always right to intervene when Muslims are victims ... and always wrong when Muslims are the oppressors or terrorists.'
If the perpetrators of these outrages are Muslim - sometimes rather well-to-do Muslims, it seems - and the members of the 200- odd cells that MI5 is investigating are Muslim, it is not good enough for Muslims to fall back on bristling victimhood.
To the rest of us, it simply seems nonsensical that a community which is the source of such a great menace, and which has offered support to it, can at the same time claim persecution. We need leadership from British Muslims and a contract between their community and the vast majority, in which the same ideals of peace, law and order are agreed upon without reference to religious needs.
All in all, I'd say they're still a bit off over there at the Guardian, but they are beginning to see the problem. No longer are they denying that there is even a threat.
Well, thank you PD111. I really appreciate that.
Let one thing be crystal clear: The West will not come on the offensive before strong forces of the left are joining the ranks. So seeing that the Guardian is starting to talk sense is BIG news.
This is a major happening, mark my words.
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