Monday, November 06, 2006

The Christian Church Begins To Take On The Battle For The Defense Of Western Civilization

As I have been saying, if the governments of Europe do not start responding to the people, the people will eventually begin the work of overthrowing their governments.

The Christians in Britain are pissed:

A leading church group which represents more than a million Christians has raised the prospect of civil unrest and even "violent revolution" to protect religious freedoms.

In a startling warning to the Government, senior church and political figures have backed a report advocating force to protest against policies that are "unbiblical" and "inimical to the Christian faith".

The report from the Evangelical Alliance says "violent revolution" should be regarded as a viable response if government legislation encroaches further on basic religious rights. The church is urged to come to a consensus that "at some point there is not only the right but the duty to disobey the state".

The menacing language of the report, which Lord Mawhinney, the Tory peer, Andy Reed, the Labour MP, and the Rt Rev Peter Forster, the Bishop of Chester, helped to produce, echoes comments made by Muslim fanatics.

Significantly, it comes from the Evangelical Alliance – a mainstream organisation representing 1.2 million Christians. The organisation acknowledges that "resisting evil in the modern state" can take many different forms. Before resorting to force, Christians would normally first turn to dialogue.

But in some circumstances "the use of defensive force may become a necessary and legitimate remedy for Christians", it suggests.

"If, as most Christians accept, they should be politically involved in democratic processes, many believe this may, where necessary, take the form of active resistance to the state. This may encompass disobedience to law, civil disobedience, involving selective, non-violent resistance or, ultimately, violent revolution."

There's more at Up Pompeii.

Also, this reminds me of an article I wrote several months ago.

The war against the Islamofascsits will be easy to win once we all get on the same page. Problem is, our dhimmi fascist governments stand in the way. Once that situation is rectified, we will be ok.


Anonymous said...

Muslims have in the last five years done more for Judeo-Christian unity than all the Popes, Archbishops, Rabbis, Pastors and theologians in the last 500 years.

Faced with the Muslim menace, the various branches of Judeo-Christianity are realising that the values that unite them are vastly more important and more worth striving for than the insignificant details that divide them.

Pastorius said...

Agreed. I know it has worked with me. It's one thing to be a critical reader of the Bible (meaning a person who reads the Bible with his analytic mind engaged), which I think all of us should be, but it is another thing when one is presented with an ideology which presents a stark contrast to the Bible. This is clarifying. Where one might have wondered, why is it necessary to believe this or that, now, one sees, well, Muslims believe the opposite, and look what it does to them.

Epaminondas said...

Do you think they can be successful without church attendance going up?

Pastorius said...

I don't know a whole lot about it, but I do remember seeing an article on the cover of the LA Times, and also some commentary from Dennis Prager, which indicated that there is a huge revival in the Evangelical community in England. Apparently, there are many African Christians, and Eastern Europeans, and together they put on some great church services, which are actually exciting the younger people in Britain.

But, of course, the Anglican Church is not doing as well.

Kiddo said...

I agree. I have been beating this drum since before I could get online. Once the people get angry enough, things are going to start looking like that "Villagers With Torches" pic, and rightly so. We just need organizers on local levels, especially in countries where the encroachment is the worst and the Muslims make up a large percentage of the minority communities.

Anonymous said...

The C of E does at last seem to be rising out of it's torpor. It's now criticising the British Post Office for issuing politically correct ******mas stamps:,,70141-1239881-1,00.html .

Anonymous said...

"It is also probable that infantile Islamic enragement, and the sillier provocations of "diversity" officers in local government, will sooner rather than later trigger a much broader revival of cultural Christianity, as people balk at the insensitive disregard of this country's two-millennia-old religious traditions, which are far from defunct in the moral imaginations of many." -