Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Egyptians do not hate the Danes

Due to the Khartoon rage the number of Danish tourists in Egypt has fallen drastically. The Egyptian Minister of Tourism has been visiting Denmark to try to get the Danes to come visit again.

He declared "We don't hate the Danes".

Sure. A recent poll shows (hat tip to Hodja here) that only the Israelis are considered a worse enemy than the Danes. Followed by the US and the UK.

After a 1000 years the "mighty" Danes are feared more than the world's largest super power. Next time I meet a Islamist I shall say "boo" and watch him flee for his life.

However, this brings to mind again our most powerful weapon. Let us embargo the whole Muslim world until they bring their affairs into order: Respect for human life, human rights, democracy and so forth. Hell, let us build a wall around the Islamists, when and while we can.

Consider the Arab world. What do they produce? Next to nothing. How long do you think the rich Arabs could manage without western goods and know-how?

At most, exports to the Muslim world represents a few percentage points of all trade. We can easily do without. Unfortunately we can not do without the oil. That leads me to priority #1: We must create an alternative to fossil fuels.

BTW I believe our second and third most powerful weapons are the truth and ridicule. I don't know the order of the two.


Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately we can not do without the oil. That leads me to priority #1: We must create an alternative to fossil fuels."

I disagree. Most of the major Middle Eastern oilfields are small in terms of area, relatively uninhabited, and near to the coast.

The solution is quite simple. The oilfields and their lines of supply should be put under the Anglosphere's protection.

Indigenous oilfield populations should be encouraged to move into the rest of Dar al-Islam (99.9% of the area), which should then be walled off and allowed to go back to the stone age where they belong and forget they ever heard of oil or any other Western technology.

von Schlichtningen said...


Cataphract said...

That very well may have been the most strangely and inexplicably (including many other strange, strange things I've heard a drunk man utter) strange, inexplicable passage I've ever read American Crusader.

The point is that it's freaking strange. Try to make some sense, or your readers will feel like you did in trying to read the previous paragraph.

von Schlichtningen said...

Cataphract ???

Jason Pappas said...

"religion of pieces" has a point. One can't leave such wealth in the hands of savages. However, let's remember how hard it was to stop Saddam from selling oil. In general, one would have to seize those fields close to the shore, level the others, and allow the increase in oil prices to spur R&D.

Of course, this would only be possible if the public firmly believed that these SOBs are a threat, that the problem is inherent in their religion and culture, and that we no longer deserve to respect their rights given their behavior and history. In other words, it’s an interesting dream but we have to educate our fellow citizens first. And that’s a tall order.