Monday, November 06, 2006

How to become a terrorist

I hope I don't get killed for implying Islam incites violence

Step 1, convert to Islam

Got a small willy? Feel inadequate? Is your religion not smity enough? Not enough killing in your life? - Then convert to Islam.

Note to critics: I would like an explanation on, if Islam is a religion of peace, then why do so many converts to Islam become terrorists?

Disclaimer: Not all Muslims are terrorists. Most aren't, in fact. My beef is with Islam, the most dogmatic and cruelest of all major religions in it's implementation. Come on humans, act like humans.

"Fight and slay the Unbelievers wherever ye find them. Seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war." Qur'an, Sura 9:5

posted at drunkenblogging


Pastorius said...

Behead those who would say that Islam would behead those who would say that Islam would behead those who would say that Islam would behead those who would say that Islam would ...

Anonymous said...


Our Prohpet clearly told us that the Muslims will be divided into 73 sects and only ONE sect that will be saved...

The non-Muslims reasearchers about Islam are two types:
1-One who search for the trouth and nothing just the trouth...
2- One who search for contradictions, mistakes, errors in ISLAM....they may find what they are looking for in individual muslims (persons, groups..etc.) who is not practising the Real ISLAM...they will never ever find it in ISLAM...

Both of them will end up as a Muslim if they are trouth seeker...(Insha'Allah before dying)

and Allah knows best...

Pastorius said...

Very good, Anonymous. Thank you. I will use that.

Anonymous said...

i hate western world figures,and will become the most feard bomber of this century.

Anonymous said...

so, i found this stuff while searching on google for "how to become a terrorist." my personal belief? what's the big deal? why can't everyone just grow up and realize that whoever killed your great x 20 grandfather's cousin doesn't matter. occupation of land, deal with it just move. no life is worth ending. God, Allah, whatever... neither would condone killing for any reason. murder is murder. I say all of this while completely ready to do my duty as a soldier in the US Army. I'd kill anyone that puts my life in danger, or that of my family or friends. hands down... but starting an all out war or other nonsense... that's just childish. why not put away childish things and grow up. start a business, find the cure for cancer or aids or maybe even become an architect or comic book writer... why not open up a cafe or something? without worrying about it being bombed of course... war is stupid... but don't take my word for it... after all, i shoot 40/40 and won't hesitate to kill anyone who poses a threat when I deploy next summer... but just think about it, like the man with glasses said:

"give peace a chance."

Anonymous said...

its all right =)

Anonymous said...

Islam sucks George W Bush's Cock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Islam sucks George W Bush's Cock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i'll bring fourth change on my own i'll create my own kind of peace and this i'll do by creating a weapon the power of a dying star under going obliteration thus changing the entropy of the universe at least thats what critics call gamma ray burst. any ways i'll use this so called weapon and out of the fear of death its self peace will come to the world and there wont be any more war and a state of calamnity will be reached. but as time passes faded memories will be once more remembered forgeten conflicts will once more arise and some where in the world the weapon will be used again and once more peace will come agony will strike those responsible and filled with redemption the other side will see peace once again but as time goes on and generations come and go there will be those who repeat their ancesters mistakes and comflict will arise wars will be fought death will be unavoidable and the forgoten mechanism of death will be awaken and once again the world will see peace and this is as close as the world will ever get to the true peace. all it is, is cycles of life and death and cycles of peace and war.

Anonymous said...

is such a thing possible??

Anonymous said...

its like a nuclear bomb but the process is coplex its not at the individual atomic level but at the molecular involving multiple molecules,isotopes and ions sush as o2 and hydrinos ad the process involves the contraction involving the molecules,ions,isotopes and pressure beyond that of the black hole of and this creates a gamma ray burst so strong that it can reach hundreds of light years at the speed of light in just a few seconds whole nations will be ablterated there could be no more atmospherebut its all right its for peace.

Anonymous said...

for all those ediots that hold strong to a belief or a religion just know that all written matter was written by humans that includes the bible the torah karan what ever its all in the eyes of the auther and how he or she viewed the world because you see even in their own words god allah whAT ever you know him as is a spirit he did not write anything but hey its allright die for something meaningless waste your time fighting for something with out a cause go ahead die trying to change the uncangeiable.but before you die just remember theres over 6 billion human beings thats over 6 billion points of view and the way you and your people or islamic see the world is useless sure you bring forth death and destruction but thats all it is it doesnt do anything but let people hate you, your people, your countries and religion even more and if you see that as change then you are even more stupid then the americans themselves so i ask you as an individual you as a being join my cause, see trough my eyes i dont hate, religion does not matter to me all i need is you your capabilities so i ask you as an individual as a group join akatsuki and simply just remember the name butanos sishio he's not a god but some one like you some one with the ambition to change the world. but just remember that the way you and your people see, your point of view is useless meaningless for all that it matters time simply wasted on the hopeless

Anonymous said...

hussain you said out of the 73 sects only one will be saved and clearly its not the taliban or even the so called terrorist for engaging upon their acts the have gone against the word of allah. and for those non belivers and so called "haters" hussain has a point only one sect will be saved and those are the ones who find the truth and realize that what they have got themselves in is nothing but blasphemy,vanity driven actions and nothing more and those who see past such meaningless and false beliefs are the ones that will leave islam and find the true god.But it does not matter for salvation is no more once we die if there even is a heaven we wont feel it, we wont sense it, we wont see it and do you know why our so called spirit is what will make it under the circumstances bestood by god (sorry if what ever religion you belong to put simply if its not the light of the world there is no longer a salvation)is the spirit but not us because our body will corrod away so we can just say that theres is no heaven or hell because in the end we wont enven see it.

Anonymous said...

akatsuki dei butanos sishio enma hitokiri deis eneru

Anonymous said...

am going to nuke you islam dummy's ha ha ha i fuck you mamy's to they all drity bitch's and you god alah is nothing grate it give crap BJ's amd islam get shower then bath
cuz you all stink

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaykum to all
non-muslims & muslims brothers.Before judging any other religion first bcum a true follower of your vedas.
"my comment is to all those who are hypocrites".

Anonymous said...

I like terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Peace would be a good idea

Anonymous said...

I am a white christian/american who is a moslem convert. I plead that u read this as I have read your comments. I believe in god yes and I am hurt and saddened by most of what is said here. I could use that and say nasty things. Or I could point out how christians have killed far more people(ie. The crusades, african apartide, slavery, anti euro pagan, spanish inquisition,etc) or how many muslim countrys use old tribal customs and say its islam( the beating, circumscision, and abuse and oppression of women. Even though the holy quran gives women far more rights than the bible) or how america uses and rapes the tird world and supports wahabi islam whice is the most anti freedom form and since it saudi has all the money to buit schools and print altered qurans thus increasing fanatics, or how we support oppresive regims thus makeing life horribe around the world so that we have luxery and power. So who is more wrong more evil. The way I see it is that it doesent matter. Beyond all I am a human. Let's think for a min how amazing and beautiful we are. We make art, music, film and books to express our selfs. We know of death and look for meaning to life. We build and create and explore ever more. We are so unique and passionate. We are all someones child. We all feel love and paina nd joy. On our little blue dot in a vast universe. How small our fights and differences seem when compared. I saw we forgive, and educat, I imagin a world not just of tolerence but one where the jew, moslem, hindu, christian, all cherish each other for wjat they can teach each other not seperate over who is more holy. And if god does not want such a peace then he is not god and we need no fear. Figher,lover,thinker,dreamer

Anonymous said...

Im in the u.s. army in iraq right now and I hate america ugh i will kill these infidels i will betray my country we have no right her inshallah alla akbar. I feel like i made a mistake joining and i am more than willing to kill these americans I feel as those soon i will shoot these soldiers my hate is growing I wish i was with al qaeda or the taliban.

American soldier

Anonymous said...

Hey terrorist i hate to inform you but those virgins you speak of are virgin males, but hten again maybe thats what you prefer.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my bad TANNER DELUCA was here

Djiem B. said...

Funny how these extremist islamist make looks other GOOD muslim like terrorist or occident haters (becuz u say u hate america , but in fact its the way we live that you hate)

Truthly i feel sad for you and your familly , becuz you invest all your good energy into something wrong and bad , violence , hate and threatening. While you could build something , invest time in studies , move your family to a better place . You have access to internet , you know theres others thing then

Anonymous said...

LLeva a ser terroristas la esclavitud, la miseria, la indgencia a las que nos conducen gobernantes latinoamericanos que se dicen democráticos. La injusticia continua contra los pobres la impunidad de los ricos, de los de apellidos "importantes"
solo basta saber donde rayos nos dirigimos para serlo!

Anonymous said...


Pastorius said...

La causa del terrorismo se discute aquí en la IBA es el Islam. Los terroristas del Islam (yihadistas) han sido, en general, ricos, no pobres. Sus desacuerdos con nosotros son religiosos, no económica.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, I wouldn't do it' i'm not as good at hiding out as osama bin laden, and i've given up on trying to give the blind eye sight in terms of how ignorant people can be, but i believe that if the whole world were thrown into a recoverable, but barely so state of turmoil, then they might learn how to actually fix problems effectively instead of just diplomatically talking about them, which can take years, if ever to solve anything. I think that if they were given life-or-death motivation on a global scale, the world might learn to deal with its shit. But, that's not my career motivation. (I want to become a mechanic)

Anonymous said...

America that does all the bad in the world then wants to stop anyone from following in its path!

el danto said...

hi bitches you all seem to be forgetting that dolphins are the superior race as they get 6-8 more bitches than whales and 1.3 times the number of bitches the average human gets. they also live in diamond covered mansions and they stack paper to the ceiling for fun. dolphins are way more pimpin than humans. also malcolm x was the coolest person ever bitches so don't diss islam. it is a peaceful religion and anybody who thinks otherwise is mentally retarded. not just mentally retarded, like the kind of guy that believes that a guy who offers to inspect his wallet is being truthful. like honest to god IQ 24 kind of person. so bitches maybe you shouldn't be such bitches.

Anonymous said...

Is everyone here a complete dumbass? You fother fuckin jive turkeys are the most incompedent excuse for a human being i have ever seen. First of i am white and am in no means linked to the religion of islam in anyway. OK ISLAM is a religion which means peacfull submission and you are MUSLIM if u practice this dumb fucks! And there are over 1Fuckin Billion Musilems in the world today if even the majority of these people were terrorists we would be absotuley FUCKED! just radical groups including the brother hood and the alkida are war aiming terrorists groups and they create havock on there own country. And the QURan in which so many are making translations to is in arabic and is not translated u dumb whores so why doesnt everyone here get the fuck off there computer and inlist in a grade 11 religion course so u become a litttle less ignorant about ur sorrundings because its dumb fucks look u that shall be the downfall of our soceity. So kiss my DICK!

midnight rider said...

Didn't jive turkeys go out with the 70s? Who is this illiterate piece of pig shit?

Why don't you enlist in a first grade English and spelling course you dumb goat fucker?

Peaceful submission. Yeah, you'll peacefully submit when they ram their dicks up your ass, right before they cornhole you with a broomhandle then hang you for immoral sexually deviant behaviour.

Anonymous said...

The Message of Islam

What is the Message of Islam? The easy (and correct) answer is that simply, there is only One God and that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger. With this, a Muslim holds strong to the Five Pillars of Islam and believes in each Pillar of Faith. But the Message of Islam is much, much more. It is a way of life, a guide, a teacher and a judge. It is a universal idea without discrimination. It knows no race, nationality, gender, or social class. It is compatible with daily life and is timeless. This world is not the final destination, but only a stop along the way.

The Message of Islam is ALLAH Subhana Wa Ta'ala Instructions to mankind, so that we may be successful in this part of our journey. A Muslim is commanded to do certain things, behave in certain ways, and learn and grow within the community. A Muslim must work and sweat for his or her wages and give generously to those who have little. Equality in economics, justice, politics, and family is essential. Neighborly kindness and support are incumbent. Parents, children, brothers, sisters, husbands, and wives have obligations and rights which form a balance in society. Acquiring knowledge and discipline, and learning how to deal fairly with those around you are challenges directly from ALLAH. A Muslim knows how to handle these tasks by following the Message of Islam.

The paragraph above only scratches the surface in revealing the full Message of Islam. It is the goal of this web site to address some of these ideas while inspiring thought. Insha’Allah, this project will never be complete, as contributions and insight from within the ummah continue to flow. Get a cup of tea or coffee, find some comfort, and browse these pages. Explore the foundations of Islam, the life of a Muslim, and the history, people, places, art and poetry of a vast and growing Islamic culture. Your contributions, comments, and concerns are welcome and necessary!

Islamism is the enemy, not islam, there are clear distinctions between the two, one is loving and caring and the other is hateful and narrowminded. The latter reminds me somewhat of you.

Live long and prosper \\// dipshits

Pastorius said...

Anonymous (live long and Prosper),
Tell that to the Muslims of Egypt.

92% of the Muslims in Egypt want apostates stoned to death.

That is Islam, as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

Hey Testing im n0t a muslem but i respect ur blief im a christian and i hope youll do the same thank u

Anonymous said...

Hey this s 4 the guy who said he wil bc0m the m0st feard b0mber in century your out of date dude b0mber s no l0nger the fave dream.its n0t a per4mance u should b alowed 2 repeat.u must put an0ther ambti0n n its place.what would that b?u put yourself n a bad light.what a child.b your age.its time 2 4get the past we cant go back.get a m0ve 0n n0w,or i wil use force.

Heartfelt Respect to all Religion said...

If you want Peace in world then only solution is don't criticize other religion... Respect all the religion and follow your own... Nature loves varieties, you find variety in animals, trees and everything... So nothing wrong in following different different religion but just don't criticize other, respect other religion too...
War will never bring peace... try to understand this....

AKASH said...

i would like to become terrorist and become most wanted but only in my dreams.

Anonymous said...

I am divided about the situation, if a Palestinian asked me to slaughter a market place full of Israelis I would help in a hart beat.
But if a Pakistani asked me to take up arms against Indians I would shoot him in the face.
Conflict, religion, and race cant be judged only from one point of view, and then there are still many situations where both views are right. No one person should have to right to pass judgement on others because they think there of a higher authority. Otherwise you might find me standing over your child carving its face off with a box cutter simply because your son decided to bully mine.

What kind of world would that be?

Anonymous said...


adeel hussain (Uk Muslim) said...