WARNING:Solipsoid diversion
What am I?
I believe going into Iraq was right, but as of this morning "it" isn't worth american sacrifice because they can't keep a republic, but I do believe the Kurds deserve troops and protection,..from all their surrounding enemies (Turkey, Iran, Syria and whatever Al Anbar province ends up as).
I believe the USA cannot afford to have any withdrawal be portrayed by the killers as a victory for them and a defeat for us, and THAT is worth american lives (it will cost them one way or the other, you know).
I believe Samuel Huntington was not only correct, but it is upon us, and that one war is going on, worldwide, and we are not acting it. I believe this war is a war of the peoples, and that we live in the transition moment between ideas and weapons.
I believe Europe is probably screwed. I believe we'll probably save their asses again, in the end. Some wahabbi moron will destroy the Lebrun paintings in the Louvre in the name of Allah, or something, and that will do it for the NY Times.
Continue reading "Maybe moderate means when your 'extreme' positions average out to the middle." »
Epa, I don't know what that makes you either - but for a few details, such as not being American, I could join.
Great post, Epa.
I read the whole thing over at your site, but I'll comment here. Hopefully, everyone will read this post. It's a classic.
Whatever all that makes you, in my opinion, it does not make you a "moderate."
I've been thinking alot about the term "moderate" lately. It seems to me that almost all people who call themselves moderates are, in fact, political trend-followers and conformists. They are people who, according to the current trends towards the left or the right, figure out a way to split the difference and then attempt to call their position moderate, as if their splitting of the difference were done from wisdom, rather than appeasing compromise.
Does that make sense?
Hugh Hewitt is a moderate. As such, he is a perfect candidate for future dhimmification.
You are not a moderate.
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