Shabnam Mughal was dressed completely in black with a full-face veil leaving only her eyes visible.
The judge, George Glossop, asked Miss Mughal on Monday if she would "kindly remove her veil to assist with communication". He told her: "It will allow me to see your face and I cannot hear you as well as I would like."
She declined to do so and Immigration Judge Glossop briefly adjourned the case. Later in the day, he asked her a second time. When Miss Mughal again refused to remove her veil, the judge adjourned the case until next Monday, pending consultations with Mr Justice Hodge.
Miss Mughal, in her twenties, who was representing a Sikh businessman challenging the Government's refusal to permit his nephew to visit Britain, was not taking media calls yesterday. A colleague said she was upset by what had happened.
advertisementJavid Hussain, practice manager at the Law Partnership in Coventry, where Miss Mughal works, said she had worn her veil while appearing before tribunals in different parts of the country for at least the past two years.
Other Muslim women at the firm did not wear veils, he said. It was a matter of personal choice.
Read the rest here
I think we may have to actually ban the niqab and burqa as clearly a small minority of Muslim women are intent on stiring up trouble, being deliberately provocative and in my eyes extremely disrespectful to the wishes of non-Muslim citizens.
It has already been established by all major Muslim organisations the niqab or burqa is NOT a religious requirement at all.
If she and others like her feel so strongly about wearing the niqab then she should simply move to a country whose values and attitudes correspond with hers.
Where can Brits go to avoid such cringeworthy, embarassing. arrogant and frankly irritating Muslim women such as Shabnam Mughal? I find her Niqab offensive. I really do. But the authorities and the media rarely seem to give a fuck unless the person being offended is Muslim.
Judging from her picture, I'd say Saudia Arabia would suit her down to the ground. What on earth is she doing in a kafir nation such as Britain?
Since it is not a RIGHT to be an advocate, let those who choose such dress as a sign of religious respect recognize that certain national customs and laws will preclude certain professions from being available to them. Since their religious priorities ARE the priority this should be seen as a small sacrifice.
In Tony B.Liar's cool new Britanistan anyone can become a lawyer, instantly!
No education necessary. Just throw a black sack over your head and walk into a court and no one will dare question your identity qualifications or even your gender (or orientation?? - do transvestites wear burkhas?).
According to British Legal tradition, a barrister will not be "seen" by the court unless he/she is dressed appropriately (ie. wig and gown). I believe the judge will say "I can't see you". I'd love to know what happened to this tradition in this case - or did the good lawyer wear a gown over the burqa and a wig on top of her face covering ?
"What on earth is she doing in a kafir nation such as Britain?"
As crackpot as it may sound, she is possibly at the front of a movement to insinuate the islamic fascist cult as a tradition to be recognized. Normalizing behavior and appearance in order to take, by bits and pieces, the enemy's home ground.
Sharia, separate neighborhoods, hate crime protection for a book, and no assimilation. Eurabia. Londonstan.
In the US it's a similar effort being waged, but through the legislative and judicial branches. The present climate is to appease and molify, run from danger, and pretend nothing is wrong while all the time blaming the growing crisis on one's political opposition. As a bonus we are treated to the thunderous logic of such luminaries as James Baker, Charlie Rangle, and George F'ing McGOVERN!!
Next we'll have John F'ing Kerry whining about the US troops being as depraved as 'JennJis Kahn'.
This thing is getting uglier by the minute.
Dan Patterson
Arrogant Infidel
Dan Patterson
Arrogant Infidel
What you say isn't crackpot, because whether this is planned or not, it is having the effect that you speak of.
Well, until lately, that is. Lately, the British have become fed up. However, I don't think they are fed up with burqas so much as they are fed up with terrorism and the veiled threats that follow investigations and questions about what the hell is up in the Muslim community.
i think all this veil and sack stuff make these hoes really sexy.
There is an old saying about the attractiveness of sex partners and paper bags. If shes goddam ugly she would be a "double-bagger" etc.
Now it dont matter what category they are, all bagged up. A few pints and I'd give her one. Got to be fair after all, why shouldnt we get a fair crack of the whip?
Do these women know how sexy they are. Dont they know that us kuffars are just lusting after them whenever they dress up like this?
Who are you guys talking about? "I can't see her".
I think this could be part of the solution. Whenever somebody dressed like that comes up to you - pretend she is invisible.
My nomination for moonbat of the month:
This is why the Pope, after his now "infamous" speech, asked for respect for Christian beliefs in Muslim countries of the Muslim leaders he spoke with. I'd take that a step farther, personally. What do you think would happen if I tried to pull my "uncovered meat" routine in Saudi? In Iran I'd be in Evin Prison within minutes. I dress rather 'covered' in normal life, but in the heat I do not cover up, nor go for the baggiest look possible, yet that would be required of me in most Muslim nations. Why not "respect local tradition" as we Westerners are asked to do while being a Muslim in the West? This is just a ploy and a sign of radicalization. This is a test. Great numbers of Muslim women in the West dress modestly while not going to this extreme.
In the US and abroad Muslims keep trying to emulate Rosa Parks famous bus protest. The obvious difference is that Parks was fighting real oppression, while being asked to have one's face showing hardly counts as the same. CAIR tries to play the "we're the new blacks-in-the-Jim-Crow-era" card, but the comparison is so hollow that only those who lack the rationality to stop for once seeing "bigotry" wherever they look are going to stand up to this behavior.
Anon--I think this makes it much easier for Muslim husbands to brag about wifey. Just think of the claims you could make about your woman if she was dressed like that? I really do wonder what they tell their buddies....
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