Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rahm Emanuel: "We recruited candidates who reflected the voters' values"

It seems there is data that shows democrats respond to exit pollers at 6-8% bias higher than republicans. Who cares why?

Never the less, it should be OBVIOUS from the exit polling, that the Foley experience was that fine, invisible line which made the underlying, troubling feeling about the lack of cause in republicana, the loss of Newt Gingrich's positive directions (nomatter what one might THINK of that direction), the unease over the continuation without any correction in Iraq, the North Korean and growing Iranian debacle, and the growing sense that in power for 12 years the republicans were not much different from the dems over 62, finally manifested in complete anger for the american people.
Had there been progress in in Iraq could this have happened?

Had Hastert destroyed Foley the year of the Iraq invasion could this have happened?


The wrong men had been recruited to fight and win elections for the republicans over 12 short years.

Why? How?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, folks, take a gander at who we now have as Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and comfort yourselves with the knowledge that said Commonwealth got what it deserves. I sincerely hope the gentleman soon to be departing that office will make himself useful elsewhere.